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What is Esseb's best use?

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10 years ago
May 2, 2015, 4:17:54 PM
So, I have to ask. Esseb is awesome, but what the hell is he supposed to do?

He's alright in combat, but he doesn't really get anything to help him scale in higher floors. He has high wit, but can't operate...

What is his role?
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10 years ago
May 2, 2015, 4:35:04 PM
Esseb has a few key qualities that dictate his role:

He has moderate speed, Scamper, and Pilfer, making him a good door opener. If used for this role try to increase his speed with items to make him safer, as his damage and tankiness will always be fairly low even with good items.

Dust Drainer is his defining skill, and it makes Esseb the best dust looter in the game, since he also has Pilfer.

Endlessly Adaptive is his 'other' defining skill, but it's very situational. Consider it a small bonus.

His wit is decent, but needs an item to learn Operate like the Scope. If you have a better scout you can have him Operate while still providing good utility with his two floor-wide skills.

He learns tier 2 Dust Drainer at level 11, and doesn't gain much out of levels beyond this, so I'd suggest use your food to level better heroes in the later floors.
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