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More variety for replay value

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9 years ago
May 12, 2015, 12:41:43 AM

I have found the game to be a little repetetive after my many tries. I have my strategy thet works nicely and most often more or less stick to it. Because of that most floors are just luck (dust) based repetitions. Still enjoiable but it gets less rewarding (I only need one hero and I dont find him, so i do the same thing al over and over).

Here are some suggestions I would find entertaining (I didnt read them in the planned list - but im tired and might have overlooked)

With the pods you have added different ways to unlock them, why not do the same for heroes?

Most armors do very simmilar things, give some hp armor and you lose speed. You could have armors increase hp but decrease armor or the other way around, or some armor that make you hit harde but a lot weaker, this way you would have to alter your playstyle according to finds

Add legendary items that are difficult to use right (maybe a cursed armor that reduces your speed to 5 but makes you super strong, a cloak of invisibility (like deodorant). those items would drop very rarely and you would ber very happy about them. or Items that give active skills

small Level ups for different stats? maybe after lvl 15 you could increase stats with food?

ofc you are working on diffenrent special rooms already, maybe add "floor effects". When you get into another floor in the elevator you would see that some modules are stronger in this floor and others are weaker.

passive lvl 4 effects on modules (critical strike, bash, attack slow,

make supressive firebot change the attack time as well as the dmg, otherwise they seem so weak imho

Just some tired ideas for the community to pick apart smiley: smile I love tha game

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9 years ago
May 12, 2015, 1:32:59 PM
Hello tracc,

Have you tried to play with different pods ? They offer a great replay value. The rules may only change a bit but it's enough to gives you new challenges that you reply with new strategies.

Floor effects, we already have steles that add effects during several turns and (can) influence your strategies. But it's a good idea, maybe we could design a Pod in which rules change from a floor to another. What do you think about it ?

Items that give active skills. Adding skills on items (even if they are rare) will be hard to implement. Our intentions to have a game not (or less) focused on skills & micro-management.

Armors. Sure, armors are espacially about defense / life / movespeed. I understand the idea to have a big bonus/malus that make your heroe correspond to a specific role, just remember you also have weapons and special items for it. I see Legendary items as an evolution of your previous idea.

Small level ups. We will think about it, it's noted. It may be a way to spend your remaining food.

Passive lvl4 effect on modules. Do you mean a module gains a specific passive at lvl4 ?

I tried to answer most of your questions/suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me if I did it right. For balancing ideas, I noted it.

Thanks you tracc ! smiley: wink
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9 years ago
May 12, 2015, 4:49:05 PM
Thank you so much for the answer.

I just wanted to word my thoughts. You are doing a great job!

Great game and great interyction with your community!
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9 years ago
May 18, 2015, 4:42:54 PM
about variety .. I still enjoy any run. There is enough variety in a game .. though ..

1) more dialogs on elevator .. you know its not so difficult to write different fun dialogs.

2)more chars interactions .. heroes have stories between them? GREAT! But how about more stories? more dialogs between specific heroes? remember Baldursgate ..

3) more heroes - always welcome ..

4) just more stuff and more expansions .. gonna buy them all .. gonna buy all content for the game .. let the game grow and thats it. game mechanics is already BEST .. so it easy just to add content, unlockables, really rare stuff like monsters to unlock (very rare spawns), more heroes (already mention)

well, i just mean that this game just needs more similar content .. i am never tired to run it again and again .. my biggest dream is that this game lives forever with like 10 expansions ..
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9 years ago
May 18, 2015, 4:44:54 PM
btw i am already 95hours on steam? only 3 achievements left, still enjoying it even more than in the beginning .. still a lot of stories to unlock ..
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