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Dungeons of The Endless Modding, well sort of...

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9 years ago
May 30, 2015, 3:49:56 PM
Hi all, most of you won't know me since I am new to community and for the past few days ever since I've gotten into the rouge-like gameplay of Dungeons of The Endless, I have been playing around with some different configurations of the game. Well for starters I really suck at rouge-like games like FTL and such smiley: frown

Anyways, as mentioned before I have been trying out new ways to beat the game easier. I did this by editing or configuring as I like to put XP the .xml in the Public file. Although it took me some to find out what does what despite the pretty self-explanatory names of the files. My goal by doing so was to hopefully in the long run to make a mod for the game! So long story short what I did was I configured four .xml files: Gameconfig, HeroConfigs, HeroLevelConfigs, BlueprintConfigs, and ModuleConfigs.

I'll explain what I've done but please keep in mind that this is in the experimental stages so to speak to give me basis to potentially make a mod myself or to help others. Also please do keep in mind that I am a total noob at this .xml really technical stuff.


Things that work : basically with this one I configured so that the total number of levels is decreased, Different outcomes of events i.e. the Dustfactory always produces dust, and the min and max is increased, same goes for the Cryo Capsule, and the how long the toxic cloud lasts. Also the number of turns for the research of a blueprint lasts.

Things that sort of work: the possibility of events happening. I still have to understand how this works, so far I only have primitive knowledge on this. The mob spawning probability, I didn't touch this part but even if I did I don't get it this either.

Things that don't work: Max. number of heroes, I did change this but doesn't seem to work. I tried to unlock the heroes by configuring the .xml file but doesn't seem to work. And the curve multiplication things I read a thread about the other day but its just too much for me to comprehend so I leaving this here.


Things that work: This .xml file really doesn't have that much stuff in it, its pretty simple it just contains the equipment slots and the amount of food to recruit them. I've successfully configured some heroes without weapons to have weapons and armor, etc...

Things that don't work:Although, at first the recruitment cost started off of 1 but it rose up to 103 on the later stages of the game, need to work on that.


Things that work: Again, really simple .xml file if you actually take a look into it. Basically has the information on how much food it costs to level up your hero(es).


Things that work: I've been able to change the cost of the module both major and minor. The minor costs stay the same throughout the entire level.

Things that don't work: The major module's building costs increases like the vanilla, but has the initial value when it starts.


Things that work: The cost of science it takes to research a blueprint, and besides that this file doesn't really have major things to configure.

Thanks for reading guys! And its real nice to be a part of this community probably my very first gaming community as well lol

But I really hope this helps you guys who are stuck with the game like I was or any modders. I will try to make a guide for the .xml files soon if, of course, you guys want it.

Oh and something to note that is if you configure any files within the public folder the game disables any achievements so you will not be able to get any new ships or achievements smiley: cry

P.S. if you want to configure the .xml files on mac please use anything other than textedit. It ruined my game so I had to reinstall. I personally recommend BbEdit, although it is a paid app, still pretty worth it smiley: wink











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9 years ago
May 30, 2015, 3:51:59 PM
Oh um, the links don't seem to work if you guys have any ideas on how to upload the .xml files please tell me. Thanks!
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9 years ago
May 31, 2015, 4:08:31 PM
To upload them put them in a rar perhaps?

I have played around with the xmls a lot myself. Have a look at this vid I had done a while back:


The thing that breaks max number of heroes are the initial hero select / spaceship screen and the elevator loadscreens. They have set slots for max 4 heroes and any more heroes will stop them from loading, freezing the game at a black screen.

I have been meaning to use min and max number of doors for events to create a tutorial level xml which would force the game to spawn specific events after specific doors. Seems pointless though as anyone involved enough to swap xmls probably wont need a tutorial :P
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9 years ago
Jun 1, 2015, 11:38:45 AM
Hi Melkathl! Nice vid gave me some ideas to play around with. But um quick question, quite dumb I might add lol but how do make them into .Rar files? Do I just use the "compress" button? No wait nvm I'll just search it up and figure it out Xp.


I did manage to compress it into a zip which was way easier than I thought it would be and Viola, definitely could touch up on some parts and refine 'em but for the most just enjoy the crudely edited .xml files which will make you overpowered.
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9 years ago
Jun 1, 2015, 11:52:47 AM
That worked fine smiley: smile

I did a God mode xml some time ago. Set every monster stat to 1. All worked perfectly until Silic Supporters, Hurna Shamans and Chimera Hydras showed up. I had set their buffs/debuffs to 1, resulting in immobilised heroes that were being oneshotted by anything that looked at them :P
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9 years ago
Jun 1, 2015, 1:37:23 PM
smiley: smile glad to hear that worked! Well guess I'll try actual modding when I get the chance and learn from the ground up smiley: frown But hey, got nothing major going on in my life anyways haha
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