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End floor

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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 11:08:39 AM
Have you got any plans to add a good end challenge for a pod? a end boss would be cool.

I must admit i was a bit disappointed that it just ended like the rest of the floors, after i won my first pod, after just a few doors in on last floor.
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 12:42:00 PM
Ideas about a boss fight have been thrown around from the very start. But as far as I know nobody is any closer than saying "It would be awesome"
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 1:15:29 PM
I will keep my hopes up anyway, they may stil add one smiley: smile

Would be interesting to see the ideas others have for a end challenge to.
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 1:45:33 PM
Chimera Keepers are kind of like bosses. I wouldn't mind seeing more diversity, like Brood Mothers that keep spawning monsters or a Wandering Giant that ignores heroes and just moves from room to room punching modules.
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9 years ago
May 3, 2015, 2:48:44 PM
Yes, those are great, but to me they feel a bit more like regular monsters with special abilitys, they die to easy, and there is to many of them.
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9 years ago
May 4, 2015, 11:33:29 AM
Yeah, there should be a bit more after the last normal floor in my opinion. Maybe a floor with only two doors -- one auto-powered room to prepare with modules, and a room with a pod-themed boss. Just a few ideas to throw out:

Escape Pod - A generic boss for a generic pod, maybe a curious baddie that wandered over to the crash, or was angered when his home was destroyed.

Infirmary Pod - Dr. Death, or a mutated product of an experiment

Armory Pod - A rebellious prisoner who got to the stash of weapons

Library Pod - An evil genius

Drill Pod - Ticked off slave miners

Sanitary Pod - A deranged perfectionist who believes you are a germ

Refreezerator - An old friend you unknowingly locked in the freezer you just entered, hungry for revenge

smiley: smile
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9 years ago
May 5, 2015, 2:14:29 PM
What about a boss that spawns in the elevator when you pick up the crystal? The boss will go for the one who carries the crystal, and spawn waves of monsters to block you from the elevator, stronger waves over time. He will attack realy hard killing the one carrying the crystal realy fast, unless its Gork geared with a good armor in a room full of Dust field generators, then he can tank the boss for a long time, but the boss will have lots of defense to, so unless you got him in a room full of Tear gas, he will die realy realy slow. He cant be slowed down, but he does not move to fast. Now it will be worth it to clear the floor to have some room, and lots of modules to work him and the waves down. I have no idea how he will look like tho, but maybe some of you want to make a cool boss picture? smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Jun 17, 2015, 2:38:40 PM
What about just new pod with boss at the end of each floor ? Like when you pick up crystal you will not have to just run to elevator, but you had to hunt and slay the boss.
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