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Australium update

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9 years ago
Jun 8, 2015, 7:11:59 PM
Currently working my way through Armoury Pod with a team of Mann Co's finest - first impressions are good, I like the way each character has been implemented (I'm a long-time TF2 fan). The team works well with Pyro as a hit-and-run scout/explorer, Heavy as the DPS-dealing tank, Medic as a buffer / crystal carrier and Engy as the, well, engineer. The unique skills are all pretty cool.

Pyro is interesting in particular with the way the damage is implemented. I'm a little concerned that he/she becomes a little underpowered in Armoury Pod as a result, though, since the passive ability doesn't seem to scale like the other heroes' DPS figures.

One minor complaint: Engy's 'operate' animation is really annoying, or more specifically, the constant welding noise is. I'm totally OK with the welding noise being used for opening doors and repairing, but it's super-irritating when he's operating (and let's face it, if he isn't, you're doing it wrong). It's bad enough that I'd be inclined not to use him after my current playthrough until it's fixed.

Overall, a nice little update, though. Thanks Amplitude (and Valve)!
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9 years ago
Jun 9, 2015, 1:53:28 AM
I'm half-way through the same run, and couldn't agree more smiley: approval.

The Engy's door opening animation is a nice addition, though the operate animation is definitely a little distracting. If it were a periodic animation & noise it would be great.

Edit: Finished the run, and the new heroes are a great addition to the existing line-up. Only stumbled across the Gas Mask item, though. Since there aren't any offensive modules with the Armoury Pod (which seemed like the best way to try out all four of the heroes in one run), I'll probably play a Library Pod run with Dell Bradford (Engineer) & Esseb Tarosh next.
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9 years ago
Jun 9, 2015, 8:16:35 AM
Glad you're having fun with the new update. smiley: smile

Lamsey wrote:
One minor complaint: Engy's 'operate' animation is really annoying, or more specifically, the constant welding noise is.

Taking note of this: it's been widely reported. We'll see what we can do!
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9 years ago
Jun 9, 2015, 11:50:21 PM
It'f great update! I am not that big fun of TF2, but devs catch them almost perfect. Their skills are fun, they are certainly balanced and felt like all of them went from TF2 directly!

I have only 1 question - what is this part of Album about (upper right corner)? Is that place for future or I am missing something?

Keep up a good work, I am in love with your games, Amplitude Studios.

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9 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 2:33:37 PM
I have just started to play the game (after buying it yesterday) and it's so hard not to play with the TF2 lot lol.
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9 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 6:33:17 PM
One question with the Pyro's "everything is immune to non-DoT damage" active: what are all of the potential sources of damage that gets through this immunity?

And does Pyro actually attack, or is it all AoE burn?

(I must say, I love the unique attack type)
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9 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 6:53:09 PM
Matanui3 wrote:
One question with the Pyro's "everything is immune to non-DoT damage" active: what are all of the potential sources of damage that gets through this immunity?

And does Pyro actually attack, or is it all AoE burn?

(I must say, I love the unique attack type)

AFAIK, his burn would work, so in this state everyone would take damage from him and none else.
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9 years ago
Jun 11, 2015, 12:39:53 AM
GreyZ0mbie wrote:
AFAIK, his burn would work, so in this state everyone would take damage from him and none else.

Well yes, but I was more asking what ELSE would work, as well as if there was anything that could still hurt the heroes.

Guess I need to build some Viral Injectors now to test...
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9 years ago
Jun 11, 2015, 12:55:27 AM
Matanui3 wrote:
One question with the Pyro's "everything is immune to non-DoT damage" active: what are all of the potential sources of damage that gets through this immunity?

And does Pyro actually attack, or is it all AoE burn?

(I must say, I love the unique attack type)

Rakya's Health Warning would work. Same goes for Mizi's Hellfire, Troe's Kneecapped and Nanor's Cooking with Gas.

It would also affect the damage recieved by Hikensha and Ken from Sacrifice.

The Viral Injector minor module should also work.
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9 years ago
Jun 17, 2015, 2:02:22 PM
I found a bug or maybe just an error. In game with Infirmary pod I was able to buy a sandwich, which gives lot of HP regen, that mean I somehow cheated that.
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