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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 5:59:07 PM
Dear devs,

Just a reminder that if you want to surprise me by adding a "Mel Kathi" or "Melk A` Thi" or similar secret character to the game on my birthday, my birthday is August the third.

The mortitian/gravedigger idea we talked about could be fun. I don't mind what gender you choose (though if you gender bender me make me cute).

A teddy bear character would also be appropriate.

Another concept depends on a job interview I may have waiting for me.

But I'll trust you lot smiley: wink

There, all the information and the reminder done. Can't say I didn't give you a chance.

smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 6:30:09 PM
melkathi wrote:
Just a reminder that if you want to surprise me by adding a "Mel Kathi" or "Melk A` Thi" or similar secret character to the game on my birthday, my birthday is August the third.

This, dear brother, is endlessly outrageous. You forgot to mention my birthday (10 July), and the fact we are twins.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 6:37:13 PM
Twins who were swaped before birth by the storks and delivered on separate days and months. I blame quantum science.
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9 years ago
Aug 4, 2015, 8:09:56 AM
*grumble grumble* So this didn't work. Need to come up with a new plan :P
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