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Library Pod = Worst Pod

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9 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 11:15:30 PM
I'm super sick of this one. Making weaker heroes without weapons is fine. Making go-for-the-crystal enemies that spawn in any of the rooms immediately off the start is not fine. I've lost too many games in the 9+ floors 10 seconds after I get there due to this nonsense. The only defense against that spawn IS strong heroes with weapons.

Also, traps that shut down turrets pretty much mean a game-over unless you're extremely lucky in this mode. I lost a very promising floor-12 game due to EMP shutting down every turret room I had but one (and there was more than one chokepoint).

Snce there are ports on the way, I hope this pod gets another look.
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9 years ago
Jul 30, 2015, 9:17:49 AM

I agree with you, the first rooms with the Library Pod are often... complex to manage smiley: rollsweat

We will look at it for a future update.
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9 years ago
Jul 30, 2015, 9:30:11 PM
Awesome! I'm sure people complete it, but I'm definitely curious how its completion rate compares with other pods. This is on Easy mode, by the way. I'll try a Too Easy (the shame!) run and see how that goes.

And of course it says something about the game that I keep wanting to beat my head against this pod even after all this difficulty. smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Aug 6, 2015, 9:22:39 PM
Doors 1-4 (depending on start) I always try to give myself a buffer room from the crystal on this pod because the density of the spawns are at their lowest. You will only get 1 silic bulldozer which is manageable even with the weakened champions.
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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2015, 6:49:20 AM
The worst pod imo is the Infirmary Pod... Chalk it up to the tedious potion micromanagement, and the fact that heroes don't regen hp after combat oversimplifies the dust system of the game. No healing after combat *is* interesting. If the player was strictly rewarded dust only by killing monsters, and if there were no limit to waves, then we've got a game.

But yes, target crystal enemy sentiments agreed.
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