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Dreaming of DotE

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 7:02:39 AM
I had some trouble sleeping last night. When I finally did fall asleep I saw a wierd dream.

I was in Birmingham (when I have trouble sleeping, I often dream I am in Birmingham - never a good sign)

And as I was strolling through Perry Barr (a rather meh neighbourhood in which I went to universtiy, got mugged etc) I met Mysterarts. At this point the dream was very much unlike my normal Birmingham dreams. I never meet people I know in Birmingham dreams. So we were talking about DotE with Mysterarts (and why the hell he'd get send to Birmingham (who did he piss off at Amplitude?)). And I ended up suggesting a musician hero for the game, wielding a guitar and having music based skills. Mysterarts said he'd look into it. He agreed that they'd have to talk to FlybyNo for the proper, in-theme, sound effects for the skills. He was a bit skeptical when I brought up having the skill sound effects procedurally generated based on enemy type present, dungeon floor and environment, and media library on the users' HD. Apparently that was a bit beyond the scope of what the dev team had the resources to do.

Seriously? Even when I am asleep dreaming of new content, devs tell me inside the dream that the ideas are not 100% viable? Talk about dreams getting too real...
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 7:52:34 AM
Me, sceptical, worried about big features, bothering the Amplitude's bosses? That's seems veeeery unlikely smiley: sarcastic

But honoured to be in your dream, really!
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 12:41:43 PM
Aha, so you are saying that you WILL do a hero with sound effects proceduraly generated based on monsters present, environment and dungeon floor, and on the player's mp3 library? smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 2:53:02 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
Your answer this night. Be prepared!

This had me in stitches =) Keep us posted, Melkathi!
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 9:21:29 PM
Amplitude on Elm Street....
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