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Mistake or Bug?

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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2015, 1:02:42 AM
So I instantly grabbed this on iPad today and after many hours of dying (which I expected and has been quite fun), I finally made it past lvl 2 =D

By lvl 5 I had picked up a couple new members, while one dies, but was doing really well on the floor when I grabbed the crystal to go to the next level. No problems at all getting there, but I'd left two of my dudes in a choke room to defend. Lady Joleri was the carrier and I had an artifact active so she was super fast. Great right, but alas, as soon as she entered the lift, the level ended, not waiting for me to bring the other guys into the elevator. So I'm left with her as my only character in the next level. I wasn't presented with the usual button to proceed and given time to get my other guys into the elevator, she just left =[

My question is whether or not this is a bug, or if she's just a b*tch and left the others behind on purpose. If intended, touchè, that was quite unexpected, but it would have been nice had she had some dialogue on the lift to confirm as much.

Either way, having a blast with this game. Thanks for bringing this to iPad, never would have found time to play it on the PC =D
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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2015, 3:55:18 AM
That sounds like a bug. No hero has any behaviour like that coded in.
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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2015, 1:21:14 PM
Thanks for confirming it isn't normal behaviour, you never know with roguelikes =P

It is possible I tapped the button before I saw it while trying to scroll, but I can't be sure. Either way, I'll keep a closer eye on it and if it happens again and appears to be a bug, then I'll submit a bug report.
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