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We should have a way to unlock that dog hero permanently on our roster.

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2015, 9:22:44 PM
So, I have (checks steam) 182 hours of DotE.


I have been part of the beta testers. I purchased the game very early on in the development cycle. I don't want to mod it... not yet at least.

I feel like locking the dog hero behind RNG with no way to unlock it (all heroes are behind RNG but they can be unlocked) is self-defeating.

The dog introduces us to the game. The dog is our friend. It woofs and sniffs around and licks itself. It fights with a mallet! Or so I heard, because I have never played with it.

RNG is a fickle mistress.

Give us a way to unlock the dog hero.

Even if it's very convoluted like 'win once in every game mode and reach floor 25 in the drill pod and kill 100 of each enemy and play for at least 100 hours'. It's OK to have it unlockable only as a veteran reward. But we should have the ability to choose it as our starting team eventually.
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9 years ago
Aug 30, 2015, 3:05:17 PM
OK, let me associate this idea with a new achievement:

Dungeon Master

Win the achievements:

Basic Training

Graduated Med School

Guns 'n Glory

Endless Mining


Mr Cleaner

Out of the Cold

Endless Day

Unlocks Dog Hero.
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9 years ago
Sep 4, 2015, 10:03:03 PM

iPad doesn't have no mods.

PC players shouldn't NEED them to enjoy the content.

It's one single hero, but it's a special one.
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9 years ago
Sep 7, 2015, 10:10:33 PM
I respect the dev team current stance, but I still think it's self-defeating.

Content is meant to be experienced!

Let me insist on the matter with a different proposition:

Dungeon Master

Win the achievements:

Basic Training

Graduated Med School

Guns 'n Glory

Endless Mining


Mr Cleaner

Out of the Cold

Endless Day

Unlocks the option of letting the player hire the pug mid-game from the merchant within some conditions:

Very Easy: Merchant only lets the pug be hired if a shop was built for him.

Easy: Player must purchase the entire merchant inventory AND built a shop. Merchant lets pug be hired after he has nothing left to offer. (or just make this requirement for both very easy and easy)
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