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Dungeon on iPad reviews

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2015, 6:16:09 AM
I think a special thread for Dungeon of the Endless on iPad reviews is in order.

SpaceVC, iPad lover

http://www.148apps.com/reviews/dungeon-of-the-endless-review/ 9/10 (english, Metacritic)

http://www.meristation.com/ipad/dungeon-of-the-endless/analisis-juego/2079261 7.8/10 (spanish)

http://www.mobileworld.it/2015/08/20/dungeon-of-the-endless-ios-recensione/ 8.5/10 (italian)

http://www.9lives.be/review/dungeon-endless-0 8.5/10 (dutch, or flemish, it's a belgian website)

http://indiegameenthusiast.blogspot.fr/2015/08/ios-review-101-dungeon-of-endless.html (english)
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