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A few suggestions, after much praise.

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9 years ago
Oct 8, 2015, 8:23:47 AM
My wife really got me into this game. After e-mailing you guys (Amplitude, not the forums), she was excited to hear back that her e-mail was read to the staff and everyone thanked her. Part way through her playing, I kept glancing over to her computer. Looked like some kind of weird tower defense game. After awhile, I tried it. Once I was able to hear the sound design and soundtrack, it just added to how I was blown away by the gameplay as I was the attention to detail in the art. I hadn't even heard of Endless Space or Endless Legend at the time. Sadly, I'm not a big fan of turn-based strategy games as much as she is. Despite trying to like them after falling in love with DotE, I could not. It isn't Amplitude at fault. Just isn't my bag, baby. Anyway, I cannot give enough praise to something that seemed to be some kind of "small, indie, throw-away" project. Made me feel embarrassed for even feeling like this could be lumped in the same category as a few games that fall into those often cited categories. Indie? Sure. Small? Eh, maybe. Throw-away? I can't think of a single thing that would make this label fitting. I play this soundtrack while driving to work sometimes. Finding some small detail dripping in the background, or hiding in the animations seems to pop up every time I play. May not have a triple-A backing, but this game proves it. You don't need a mountain of money to have a galaxy of love for your creation.

Now, for the suggestions. A few gripes I have to mention. They are a few things that cannot ruin the game, but could be polished to make a gem shine that much brighter.

Inventory system:

It isn't mentioned that you can only carry 4 items from one floor to the next. You learn this very swiftly, which isn't that big of a deal. The biggest thing that irks me is that you cannot click an item in your backpack and then an item in your inventory to instantly swap them. Only a click on an inventory/backpack space occupied by an item then a click on an empty space will allow you to swap. This does not break the game in the slightest, but I can remember asking my wife "How do you swap expensive items into your backpack for future sale?" and not finding out through some trial and error. I do not believe every game should have to hold your hand in this way, but since inventory management is an aspect of the game, a feature like this should not be overlooked.

The "Operate" skill:

I cannot count the amount of times I have hit ` (Select all heroes) and clicked a room, only to realize at the last second I should've done `, shift+left click on (Operate hero portrait). If someone who is operating leaves the room they are in, they have to wait for 1 door to open before their bonus starts to add to the module. This doesn't make a run make or break, but it can add up if it slips your mind multiple times! My suggested solution is to not remove the bonus unless the hero who is using Operate attempts to use Operate on a new module. Being somewhat familiar with code, I would have to say you'd have to add the caveat that if a hero using Operate is not back on the module they were originally on before the wave is over/before the next door is open, that they would not be adding their bonus. It has potential for abuse. I feel this abuse would almost be recognized as great presence of mind. I certainly wouldn't be able to swiftly abuse that system. The only time I realize I've moved my Operate hero is when they have left the room, then I have them sadly trudge back to their task.

There might be a few more things I could say about multiplayer, but I'll save them. This game seems to have added that in as a lovely bonus rather than a main focus.

In the end, thank you Amplitude! Even if I am not into some of the games you make (due to my preferences), I have seen just how much you care about delivering an in-depth labor of love. You have my eternal support!
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9 years ago
Oct 8, 2015, 12:46:18 PM
Glad to hear that the Dungeon fever is spreading in your home! Just yesterday I was showing the game to a gamer who said she wasn't that much into sci-fi, but after running the first floor together, she had to admit she was loving it. I gotta say, that's a great feeling!

On to your suggestions, I've asked the team and I know that especially the Operator issue was at some point considered for a change, but this is no longer on the radar considering the current state of development. We're not saying it'll never happen, but at this very moment it's not on the table.

(I'm terrible at this, too)
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