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logo amplifiers simplified

Love the game! but...

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9 years ago
Dec 3, 2015, 3:57:20 PM
So my friend got me this game for the sales, and I was pretty excited to play since it had grabbed my attention since when it came out. Long story short, I installed it, got in and was relieved at the challenging fun and strategy of the game dying over and over on level two as the blade runner girl. Last night we got two more friends to play with us. On the 7th level of the first ship, the furthest any of us had ever made it, these two ghosts appear from the edges of my screen and go to the main room where we were defending. Friend opens a gate, and we get flooded by monsters, but I can't attack anything in the room because those two ghosts were actually present, un-moving yet unkillable in my game, even through they didn't exist in my friend's worlds, only in mine. Because I couldn't target any other unit my friends died in that room as I was the main dps. Bugs happen. My friends eventually noticed because even though they died but we cleared the wave, my hp wasn't regenerating.

After two friends went to sleep, friend that bought me the game <3 and I decide to give it another go. At level 6, his screen glitches out and he never gets out of combat, not allowing him to regenerate his health or save and reenter the room, which is how we got me to unstuck the first time it happened, even though it cost us the progress.

The two times that we've made it the furthest, the reason we died was because of this not regenerating health bug. May you possibly look at it? I am super busy to check whether this is a common problem people are experiencing, but I loved your work so much I had to make an account and describe the problem for it was game breaking for an experience this fantastic. Hope you're not crushed under work.
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9 years ago
Dec 3, 2015, 4:54:18 PM
I'm just a fellow player, but is there any chance you were able to capture screenshots of those ghosts or the regen bug?
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