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Drill Pod Record

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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 5:40:42 AM
Hey, what's the highest floor you guys have gotten to on the Drill Pod? My roommate and I just died on 28 on Too Easy mode. smiley: cool
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9 years ago
Nov 27, 2015, 1:39:09 AM
remedy wrote:
easy or too easy?

I don't know who holds the record for the deepest Drill pod run, but I've personally cleared floor 71 on Easy before the game crashed and I lost my save game.

1396 doors opened, 49036 monsters killed and 583733 points scored.
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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 8:45:31 PM
I got bored and suicide on Drill Pod. The lack of change made it very stale after 35 floors. So all the people clearing 50+ floors I have to give it up to you. It's definitely not my thing.
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9 years ago
Dec 1, 2015, 6:56:30 AM
Devv13 wrote:
I got bored and suicide on Drill Pod. The lack of change made it very stale after 35 floors. So all the people clearing 50+ floors I have to give it up to you. It's definitely not my thing.

Currently at floor level 60 on a new Drill pod on Easy. Yeah, I know - I'm a special kind of weird smiley: wink

Things do change a lot as you go deeper though. The monster waves get increasingly bigger and dust is pretty much non-existant on some floors, which means resource management becomes even more of an issue when you can't expect to have more than one or two major modules per floor, or sometimes none at all. Here's a couple of screenshots I saved from my previous run that shows what many of the deeper floors look like:

Floor 52: 26 doors opened, 27 dust available. Add enormous monster waves and multiple lanes to defend to the equation, and you have a nice and challenging map. (click to enlarge)

Floor 69: 26 doors opened, 19 dust available. The text box says 12 and 3 waves incoming, but in reality it was a single wave of 15 monster packs. I just opened a new door before all the monster packs had spawned, and that resets the counter. I saw an all-time biggest monster wave of 17 packs on that map I believe. (click to enlarge)

I don't know if there's anyone else who's played multiple deep Drill pod runs, so I thought I would mention that I got Silic Zoners each and every time monsters spawned in my first game after floor 30ish, but I haven't seen a single wave of Silic Zoners in my current game. The difference in resources is quite noticeable:

No Silic Zoners, no problems. I know there's a lot of RNG in this game, but I find it hard to believe that it was purely a coincidence I got Silic Zoners for 40 straight floors in my first game followed by zero Silic Zoner waves in the next 30 floors in my second game... UNLESS Amplitude changed how often Silic Zoners spawn in the most recent patch update.
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9 years ago
Dec 4, 2015, 4:41:32 PM
A group of chimera kamikazes just ended my Drill pod run on floor 95 (Easy):


Monsters killed: 59.264

Doors: 2.254

Time: 29:25:57

Score: 1.592.580
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