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When events of DotE occur? [Lore thread]

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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 12:28:58 PM
What you didn' t understand yet is that none of this matters, because in Ampliverse TIME IS A MOBIUS STRIP.

I' ll leave you to do your research and understand the consequences of this setup.
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 7:46:17 PM
melkathi wrote:
The thing is, right now if you do a search for the term Tulak in the game files, you get no hero at all. So it really looks as if they accidentally got deleted. Or one of the devs did it on purpose o sabotage my forum cred :P

#theMelkathiConspiracy It's real!
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 7:37:17 PM
Devv13 wrote:
I've never seen "Lady Joleri", but I have seen the name Tulak in the game. I distinctly remember thinking "Oh this must be her Children!" After nerding out with that thought I continued playing. I don't remember the faction I was playing at the time, but I haven't played a lot with Broken Lords (if at all). It's mainly been Vaulter/Mezari. Could there be a Tulak in the Mezari/Vaulters?

The thing is, right now if you do a search for the term Tulak in the game files, you get no hero at all. So it really looks as if they accidentally got deleted. Or one of the devs did it on purpose o sabotage my forum cred :P
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 4:46:12 PM
I've never seen "Lady Joleri", but I have seen the name Tulak in the game. I distinctly remember thinking "Oh this must be her Children!" After nerding out with that thought I continued playing. I don't remember the faction I was playing at the time, but I haven't played a lot with Broken Lords (if at all). It's mainly been Vaulter/Mezari. Could there be a Tulak in the Mezari/Vaulters?
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 8:11:18 AM
Slowhands wrote:
So do I... There is something odd here. I always had the idea in the back of my head that she was in both games, but I guess something changed somewhere. I'll dig through files and e-mails and see if I can figure it out.

I was going to bribe you to do that.

Seems I won't have to! smiley: smile Nice!
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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 3:20:01 PM
melkathi wrote:
That is strange. I remember having Lady Jolery Tulak as a hero.

So do I... There is something odd here. I always had the idea in the back of my head that she was in both games, but I guess something changed somewhere. I'll dig through files and e-mails and see if I can figure it out.
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 11:50:42 PM
Silly thing is, I even talked with the devs about it. But you are right, she isn't in the files :P
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 7:58:28 PM
melkathi wrote:
That is strange. I remember having Lady Jolery Tulak as a hero.

Maybe it was some kind of mod? c:
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 5:20:54 PM
That is strange. I remember having Lady Jolery Tulak as a hero.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2015, 11:16:07 PM
I think I'm not only one who cares about history and world of Auriga, so I have one big question - when events of DotE occurs relatively to Endless Legend? Based on fact that Opbot met Vaulters and quest-winning fraction would use DotE escape pod to fly away (probably), DotE happens before EL. But what kind of meteors we saw at the ending? Is that one of previous cataclysms on Auriga? But from EL's intro I thought that previous cataclysms where not that harsh. Is that possible that everyone from the original crew were killed by meteors/time and only Opbot prevailed? Maybe.

But at the other hand, if DotE took place before EL, so when Broken Lords became space race, so Lady Joleri could be in escape pod? As well as Hikenshi, Skroig or Kreyang. Or were they inside base before crash?

What do you think?
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 12:12:24 PM
melkathi wrote:
She can show up as one of those random recruitable heroes.

Is that so? Sorry, but I don't think it's true. There is entire localization file right in front of me and there is no mention of Joleri in the entire file. There is such Broken Lords heroes as:

  • Baron Joslyn Deyval
  • Duke Unwin Weybridge
  • Duke Leofric Whitechapel
  • Bishop Julian
  • John Port, "The Shadow"
  • Lord Peyton Quinn
  • Martin de Ildan de Suluzzo
  • Samhane Haligtide

  • [/LIST]

    The only Tulak in the game files is Lady Fidense Tulak, in the description of shield Breakwall: Strangely, this shield earned its name on an offensive maneuver. It was wielded by Lady Fidense Tulak of the Amber Fields when her unmounted charge broke the Necrophage defenses at the Siege of Gleancrag..

    So, where can I find her? Is there any proof?
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    9 years ago
    Nov 27, 2015, 10:36:10 PM
    She can show up as one of those random recruitable heroes.
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    9 years ago
    Nov 27, 2015, 8:14:08 PM
    melkathi wrote:
    The natives weren't on the pod lore-wise. Joleri was encountered after the crash.

    Joleri is fun as she, like Opbot, is still around in EL.

    If you have Joleri (or another native) as a starting hero, pretend she was nearby where the pod crashed and got inside to check it out.

    Hm, that makes sense, never thought about it! smiley: smile Also, where can I find Joleri in EL? I missed her in-game. :c
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    9 years ago
    Nov 27, 2015, 1:23:28 PM
    The natives weren't on the pod lore-wise. Joleri was encountered after the crash.

    Joleri is fun as she, like Opbot, is still around in EL.

    If you have Joleri (or another native) as a starting hero, pretend she was nearby where the pod crashed and got inside to check it out.
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    9 years ago
    Nov 27, 2015, 11:43:13 AM
    Frogsquadron wrote:
    We give hints, we give more hints, but we don't give answers.

    In the Endless universe more than anywhere else, the truth is a relative thing. smiley: wink

    I'm trying to find and catch all of that hints. smiley: smile Really enjoying pieces of lore and story, that's amazing.

    I was afraid that I have missed something important!

    melkathi wrote:
    It has been said that the Vaulters are the descendants of the crash survivors. So DotE plays a long time before EL.

    It's obvious. But what about Joleri on escape pod? Or does natives just appeared on lower level of the lab?

    If DotE happened before EL, when did Broken Lords ventured to space? They can use space ship from labs of the endless in main quest (as other factions) in the end of EL, but how did Joleri get in escape pod before DotE, if BL wasn't space faction at this moment? I can't explain that yet. smiley: confused
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    9 years ago
    Nov 27, 2015, 3:02:05 AM
    It has been said that the Vaulters are the descendants of the crash survivors. So DotE plays a long time before EL.
    0Send private message
    9 years ago
    Nov 26, 2015, 11:21:47 PM
    We give hints, we give more hints, but we don't give answers.

    In the Endless universe more than anywhere else, the truth is a relative thing. smiley: wink
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