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Some questions

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9 years ago
Nov 21, 2015, 10:38:09 PM
Hi gamers,

I've 50+ hours on this awesome game, but there are still basic things that I don't know...

1) What is the Dust loot bonus from having an operated Emergency Generator? How do they stack?

2) How do other modules stack (the ones giving bonus percentage) ?

3) Can we destroy artifacts?

4) Is it a good strategy not to light rooms in order to get more ennemies for more Dust?

5) Do you think minor modules are balanced or are there some well-known useless or overpowered modules? In my opinion, Neurostun + Smoking Gun is OP.

6) Same question for heroes.

7) Is it possible to play with almost no tower-defense gameplay?

8) What is the thing on Joleri that makes her so good that her -20 % Dust loot is worth?

9) How do you get the Endless Day achievement? Please don't tell me it's an achievement you cannot get after an event...

+ FYI Amplitude: there is something unclear on the French version, on the description for the Library Pod. It says LESS resources, slots for modules and artifacts.

Thank you!

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9 years ago
Nov 22, 2015, 8:12:08 PM
Not super-experienced myself, but I play a bit and have even won on occasion. Here are partial answers.

1) Operating a generator gives an additional +0.5% per WIT for a monster to drop dust.

3) You can destroy artifacts. Use the "Bulldoze" icon, the same way you would destroy a major module.

4) Yes, it's a good idea to farm dust by setting up a kill zone next to some unlit rooms.

5) Some modules are better than others, but almost everything has a situation where it's useful, although not everything is useful late-game. Neurostuns are basically necessary, but that's the nature of snares in TD games. Smoking Gun is efficient early game but drops off against large hordes in later floors, where AoE becomes a necessity.

9) The Endless Day achievement is attainable every year from Jan 21-25, or at any point whatsoever if you adjust your system clock. During those days selecting "Random Hero" when you start has a chance of rolling the hidden Hero. Have him survive three floors to unlock permanently and get the achievement.
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 9:11:21 AM
Thank you, I can't believe I didn't even try the bulldoze on artifacts.

For the Endless Day achievement, I think you are mixing up things: the "random hero" trick is to get Ayairi, the merchant's dog. But the Endless Day hero is Esseb Tarosh, isn't it? I have him, I unlocked him during the Endless Day by reaching 4th floor with him in my team, but I didn't get the achievement. I think the achievement unlocks when you win a game with him between 21 jan. and 25 jan.
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 10:05:27 AM
4)If you get easy combination of monsters (like larva/crystal/crystophile) - it will be ok. If you roll the strongest ones (bulldozer/zoner/kamikaze) - this tactics can make more harm, than good.

5)I think they are situational. I dislike smoking gun module for overheat mechanic, it is questionable during a long wave. But they can make a fast burst of damage. If you can gather a lot of monsters in one big room (and slow them) - seblasters will be the most valuable. Also, your favorite module can be blocked in different game modes.

6)Depends from a game mode. Max is always auto included in most games. But even he is mediocre in Refreezerator pod. Dlc will bring us a hero with an operator skill on lvl 1 (which is crazy).

7)Armory pod, the closest you can get.

8)She is ok scout (high base speed + decent damage + war rider skill) and good defencive character (lot of HP + base defence + hold the line skill). Native - fast leveling (that -20% will be -15%, and then -10%). Her energivore skill is one of the best counters against keppers.
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 12:14:12 PM

I didn't mention the most important thing: I only tried Very Easy difficulty lol Which is really easy when you understand the basic mechanics. I suppose in Easy you understand better the pros and cons of modules and heroes. In Very Easy, I let three or four unlighted rooms with three or more rooms full of Smoking Guns with a Neurostun on the path to the crystal, and the monsters cannot pass and drop many Dust, and I finish the dungeon with 400+ of each resource, all researches done in most of my games, every hero lvl 15, and I open almost every door at every floor. I suppose I will laugh less in Easy smiley: surprise

6) I don't get why everyone likes Max so much, in my opinion he is not specialized enough in fighting or operating, but I suppose he is a good runner with his skill giving more Dust. I just don't play "running" very much, but maybe it's really needed in Easy when you have almost no Dust.

7) I wasn't talking about a pod, I was wondering if, if you only take heroes that are bad at operating modules but strong fighters, you can finish a dungeon. I suppose the answer is "no".
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9 years ago
Nov 23, 2015, 1:29:55 PM
You can do that (in Too Easy), but having no defensive modules at all is a death sentence, unless rngesus is with you, and even then...
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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 9:30:23 PM
4) Yes certain situations

5) Opinion but:

Aoe Crowd control = 2xNeuro, 1xSeablaster, 1xTear Gas

If large creatures getting by:

Room after aoe (Monsters hit last) = 1xTear Gas, as many Kip/Smoking (prime operator room)

If Silic Zoners Present:

Place prior to Aoe Room (monsters hit it first) 1xTear Gas, As many Teslas as possible (Also prime for a char with Aftershave)

Single Target DPS turrets Ranked

1. Max'd Kip Cannon

2. Smoking Gun


#. Pris prod (Level 7 and before only. After this pris prods dramatically lose effectiveness on wave clearing)

Aoe Target DPS turrets Ranked

1. Claymore (affects area not entire room)

2. Seablaster (affects room)

3. Tesla (focus those silics...unfortunately goes for bulldozers first)

6) Yes multiple links for hero rankings, but a recent post made by Spleen is pretty good:

Please note this is all personal preference. My ranking is different than Spleen's is but you can't go to wrong with the guy holding the World Records.


Best combination is more role based:

Tank w/taunt with strong dps. Position tank at the end of the room with neurostuns/neuro lite and a tear gas then supplement more dps turrets or defensive turrets. Mobs won't be able to get to him and do large damage with strong dps thinning the field.

Max - Only char that gives +2 science lvl 1

Heavy - Built in Neurostun lite

Golgy - 2x accessory can buff her speed to rediculous proportions for flag carrying (sara obviously a good choice as well)

Skroig - Best active in game for wave clearing and can reset and reactivate making it OP

Chef - Same reasons as skroig for reset and reactivate a floorwide aoe.

Hikensha & Ken - With actives have heaviest dps bursts

Others to mention...but stop it there.

7) Yes - Consider this a challenge mode for yourself when you get really good.

8) Amazing base stats and if you level her the -Dust becomes nominal. Also she has to score the killing blow for the affect to take place. However, I think there are better options out there.
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9 years ago
Dec 1, 2015, 4:43:18 PM
Interesting tier list, I hadn't seen it. Can't say that I consider Sara or Elise to be bottom tier, but then again, speed is never my purpose in my own runs. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Dec 1, 2015, 7:34:59 PM
Yeah I rank mine slightly differently as well. Everyone has there personal preferences.
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