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Urgent Call on Wes needs a rework and fast

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9 years ago
Dec 9, 2015, 11:29:20 PM

I came across a forum thread complaining about the new characters. Some points I didn't agree with, but it mentioned 1 very important game breaking fact. "Urgent Call" on Wes Davoun prevents monster spawns. This 1 fact breaks the game after floor 4 or so if done correctly. If you are able to get 3 operators (2 if you have items and correct characters) on Science Modules you will have enough science generation to prevent monsters from spawning altogether on a floor. I posted a video showing this mechanic.

Solution: Urgent call have a positive effect in the next room (aka. spawning Artifacts, vendors, items, etc.), but monsters should still be able to spawn.

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9 years ago
Dec 10, 2015, 2:17:42 PM
Hi Devv13,

There will be a patch soon with several major balance fixes smiley: wink

Wes has been reconsidered on several points. For example, "Urgent Call" doesn't prevent monsters spawn anymore.

I let you discover the other points when the patch is released.

Your urgent call has been heared!
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