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Game Confusing Refreezerator Pod for Sanitary Pod?

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9 years ago
Dec 11, 2015, 4:59:45 AM
I've had the Sanitary Pod unlocked for a while now. Got it almost as soon as it came out.

Now, I don't know if this is a bug, but it seems every time I win the game it tells me I got the Sanitary Pod again. But that's not a problem.

The problem is that I just won a game where the crystal wasn't hit at all, and I didn't unlock the Refreezerator. Yes, I have the DLC.

Does "Not having the crystal take any damage" include the crystal carrier during that phase? I think once or twice a monster got into the crystal

room and started their attack animation, but never did I see a -Dust number or hear the alarm go off. Maybe that's what ruined it?

Tl;Dr, I should have the Refreezerator unlocked. And I don't. Please help me.
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9 years ago
Dec 11, 2015, 3:14:12 PM
It does not count when you are carrying it. Quick question. Was the crystal hit indirectly? Such as a Silic Zoner (triangle crystal mob) hitting the crystal with an "AOE". The main attack could have been towards a player but an aoe would still hit the crystal and you would still lose dust.
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9 years ago
Dec 11, 2015, 11:43:54 PM
No AoE at all. The only enemies that ever got into the crystal room only got so far as to start their attacking animation before being destroyed. I defended it with my life.
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 4:50:46 PM



At first, i thought it counts the crystal carrier too SO i started ANOTHER game. İt took me like 5-6 hours to finish 2 games in a row and in the second one i made sure that BOTH my crystal and the courier didn't get any hit at all BUT even after i finish like that, it DIDN'T give me the damn achievement nor the ship itself.

I also have the ALL DLC's, founder packs bla bla. I don't want to waste 3+ hours again to play with the ship i want to.

Please tell us how to edit profile settings or so, to unlock the refreezerator ship.

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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 2:35:04 AM
Guys we really need a fix about this ASAP.

It is extremely frustrating to finish such a difficult challenge and still not get rewarded for doing so.

At least tell us how to edit the config files or so while we are waiting for a patch/fix.


Btw: I've been supporting all of your games like 3-4? years by now and i have to say that you guys are awesome. Keep up with the good job! =)
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9 years ago
Dec 21, 2015, 6:22:18 AM
Oh, it IS a bug? Good to know! I just did ANOTHER RUN perfectly and unlocked the Sanitary Pod... again.

Hope they fix this.
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9 years ago
Dec 21, 2015, 9:00:03 PM
When playing for this achievement make sure you never LOSE any dust. This also means, that you cannot buy items from a dust merchant.

It worked fine for me, but it did not unlock for me until my third run because I kept buying items for dust.
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9 years ago
Dec 21, 2015, 10:34:46 PM
Ephecus wrote:
When playing for this achievement make sure you never LOSE any dust. This also means, that you cannot buy items from a dust merchant.

It worked fine for me, but it did not unlock for me until my third run because I kept buying items for dust.


Good catch, thanks mate.

I still think that this is a bug / not intended. In-game doesn`t say anything about merchant, it only states that you should never get your crystal attacked.

Anyways, thank you. Now lemme get that achievement real fast with Wexploit before they fix it =)
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9 years ago
Dec 22, 2015, 9:48:14 PM
Oh what really? Gotta be kidding me...

Devs, please notice this and fix it for others please. The merchant thing shouldn't happen.
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