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After first ascent through Dungeon of the Endless, a few questions!

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9 years ago
Jan 1, 2016, 10:56:01 PM
1. Is there a general rule for how the enemies proceed after spawning? Most of the time they seemed to go for the main crystal, but occasionally they'd stop to attack a module. Is this about right?

2. Mechanical pals only augment operating? They don't operate on their own?

3. In order for operate to work, they have to still be operating after one door open, and then a bonus will be given for every subsequent bonus that they stay at without moving?

4. How much harder is easy than too easy?

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9 years ago
Jan 2, 2016, 10:36:53 AM
1) Except for the Door Crushers that designate a door they head for to break open, and a couple of enemies that don't move, all enemies head for the Crystal. But different enemies have different targets they'll attack. So for example if a big crystal golem enters a room with a major module, since major modules are on its target list it will stop to hit them. A small necrophage larva, that only has the crystal and heroes on its target list, will not stop unless there is a hero in the same room.

2) They do. But the bonus they give is so insignificant you will most likely not notice unless nobody else is operating that resource. They are best used to operate a Shop Module, since those give few resources anyway, so the +1 is noticeable even so.

3) Yes, After they have spend one turn in the room, if they don't leave the room they'll keep operating every turn.

4) A lot :P
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9 years ago
Jan 2, 2016, 11:02:39 AM
shadow9d9 wrote:
1. Is there a general rule for how the enemies proceed after spawning? Most of the time they seemed to go for the main crystal, but occasionally they'd stop to attack a module. Is this about right?

2. Mechanical pals only augment operating? They don't operate on their own?

3. In order for operate to work, they have to still be operating after one door open, and then a bonus will be given for every subsequent bonus that they stay at without moving?

4. How much harder is easy than too easy?


1. Yes there are rules called priority targets for not only your champions but for the monsters as well. I will list the biggies

Silic Bulldozers (big Crystal humanoid looking guys) - Will ignore champions and head straight for for the first major module they see. They will also target artifacts if they are being researched. If nothing else is on the path they will head to the crstal to destroy it.

Silic Zoners (Large Crystal triangle shaped monsters) - These will prioritize heroes if they are in the room. If not they will focus minor modules then major modules.

Silic Crystal (Small crystal diamond monsters) and Necrophage Crystophiles (upright necrophages that walk slowly) will rush to your crystal.

Kamikazes (guys that blow up) will ignore heroes and march to the most populated room but they can prematurely explode which can cause chain reactions.

For the most part everyone else targets yoru heroes.

2. They do operate on their own. Resources like Industry, Food, Science are 2 with for 1 additional resource. Dust will yield +1 dust for any wit operating and then after the first will give 1 dust per 10 wit.

3. Correct

4. Noticeable
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