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Some newbie questions!

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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 6:04:16 PM
Started playing coop with my friend last night and had some questions!

We are currently on level 4.

1. I play the girl that I think is named Deena Ratchet. She gets the ability to operate. Does she also have the ability to heal modules? If so, is it automatic? One of her abilities, Bifocus or something, adds wit bonus to repairing...

2. Are there always X amount of doors on each level? In other words, does every level 2 have the same amount of doors?

3. Is Easy much harder than too easy?

4. How does something adding, say, +3 food, get split amongst 2 players in coop? Is it rounded down?

5. Is level 6 the max level?

Thanks so much!
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9 years ago
Dec 30, 2015, 4:57:02 AM
1. Healing a module is a passive called "Repair". She never gets it. The other passive that gives you wit when repairing is coming from an item called Fred's Fixer. This passive is called Bricopedia. She won't get this bonus because she cannot repair.

2. There is a range for every floor that is randomly chosen. For example floor 1 can be as small as 9 doors and as large as 17. As you progress this range gets larger and larger. You can go above 30 doors in later levels.

3. Yes. Consider Too Easy = Normal, Easy = Hard

4. Great question. I don't spend a lot of time in multiplayer. But one player will get 2 and the other will get 1 I believe but a dev or more experienced "multiplayer" player can answer.

5. Level 15 is max
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9 years ago
Dec 30, 2015, 10:27:58 AM
I think I remember the devs saying fractions are rounded up.
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