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How is the score calculated now? more detailed questions inside

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9 years ago
Dec 26, 2015, 10:00:46 AM
1) what is the base formula now?

2) why does dust looted affects score in a negative way? any reasons behind that?

3) does heroes levels counts? if no why?

4) does researched modules count? if no why?

5) do mobs killed after taking crystal count? already seen that question .. but still

please be kind to answer this questions to keep that info fresh ..
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9 years ago
Jan 4, 2016, 10:05:52 AM

1) (OpenedDoorScore x 10 + ActionOpenedDoorScore x 15 + GatheredFISScore + KilledMobScore + LootedDustScore x -1 + LostHeroScore x -100 + LeftOverFISScore x 3) x ScoreModifier

(ActionOpenedDoorScore: door opened before the end of the previous event, PodScoreModifier: Pod score modifier and difficulty score modifier, see Public\Simulation\SimulationDescriptors_Dungeon.xml)

2) LootedDustScore is related to lost Dust when the Crystal is hit

3-4) We decided to count the gathered FIS rather than spent FIS

5) Yes, they do
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