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Moving item from backpack to inventory

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9 years ago
Jan 8, 2016, 1:54:39 PM
I still can't figure out how to move item from backpack to inventory. I've tried alt, ctrl, shift, & drag-n-drop, none does the job. I can only move my inventory manually when the backpack is full by switching equipable stuffs --but it takes time and can't be done if my backpack isn't full like in multiplayer.

I've searched around & found nothin'. Help, please :c
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9 years ago
Jan 8, 2016, 3:53:59 PM
Left click on the item in the backpack. That will highlight the item. Then left click on the space you want the item to go. That should do it. If moving from backpack to inventory it has to be an empty space. If you left click on an item then left click on another item in your inventory it just switches the item selected.
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9 years ago
Jan 9, 2016, 9:26:03 AM
Devv13 wrote:
Left click on the item in the backpack. That will highlight the item. Then left click on the space you want the item to go. That should do it. If moving from backpack to inventory it has to be an empty space. If you left click on an item then left click on another item in your inventory it just switches the item selected.

THANK YOU SO MUCH CAPN'! It was so frustrating!

Now I'll tell my friend -he was as confused as me hehe
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