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Journal questions

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9 years ago
Jan 4, 2016, 4:00:53 PM
I once heard one of the devs talking about who writes the album... After reading every entry I just can´t realize who that would be. The planet? the pug? the player? some god? Every other character is in the journal and I didn´t notice anyone any different as if he or she was refering to himself.

There aren´t enough clues I think, he/she only keeps repeating who can be useful, not useful, persuadable, or not.

Any ideas? or better yet, answers?
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9 years ago
Jan 5, 2016, 9:52:18 AM
Reading the album, my thought was that it was redacted by some person aboard it, planning who knows what, but somehow pulling the strings from the shadows to get the team to follow his plan (unbeknownst to them).
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9 years ago
Jan 5, 2016, 5:08:10 PM
It's the mystery to be lifted in DotE 3.
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9 years ago
Jan 8, 2016, 4:55:55 PM
melkathi wrote:
It's the mystery to be lifted in DotE 3.

Are you crazy? We plan to keep you guessing until at least DotE 17 smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Jan 18, 2016, 1:04:32 PM
Honestly I'm curious and have a number of theories.

The bit about 'turning' only is causing me to ship even more.

If an actual sequel is in talks currently I'd love it. The fandom isn't too big (some say that despite the high quality of the game it launched right around the same time as both a similar roguelike or tower defense, and a lot of big releases around the same time), which is really surprising because of the sheer level of quality put into the game, but it's a really cozy fandom and I'm happy the game has been worked on so much after release
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