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Vultus Trash and Me First!

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9 years ago
Mar 1, 2016, 12:32:24 AM
Hi, I'm a long time player of Amplitude games and I have lurked the forums once in a while, but this is my first post.

I have a question about one of the monsters from the Organic Matters update - the green blobs that I believe from the patch notes are called Vultus Trash. They generally seem to stick to minor modules, but once in a while they'll go for the crystal. Either way, they seem to ignore the "Me First!" skill and go right past a hero who has the skill. Is this supposed to happen? And what determines if one of these goes for the crystal? I've been trying to get the Dust Hoarder achievement and these guys have messed me up a few times.
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9 years ago
Mar 1, 2016, 9:15:59 AM

Vultu Trash targets minor modules without vultu trash on it and ignores heroes.

So you have to put as many modules as possible before the crystal room (the cheapest if you want, but Mechanical Pal are especially useful for this)

Good luck smiley: wink
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