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Focus videos: links & feedback

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10 years ago
Dec 9, 2014, 4:23:16 PM
Hello everyone,

Following up on the positive feedback about our first 'Focus video' serie, we decided to start a new cycle, but this time the spotlights are on Dungeon of the Endless

We will add new videos right here as soon as they are published. If you have any question / comment / feedback, feel free to post them here!


Updated 9 years ago.
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10 years ago
Feb 19, 2015, 6:38:25 PM
New video, nice smiley: biggrin

So, now it's confirmed, that stun snakes and vinesnakes belongs to one species.

About pods: "very short movie" show us, that all pods land pretty far away from each other. Is it canonical, that all pods lands safely, and all crew members survived?

If so, what happend next to survivors? (especially to single survivor from refreezerator pod)

Did they (crew members from different pod) somehow contact other peoples, or start live on their own?
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2015, 3:42:06 PM
Lynx_gnt wrote:

[...]all pods land pretty far away from each other. Is it canonical, that all pods lands safely, and all crew members survived?

If so, what happend next to survivors? (especially to single survivor from refreezerator pod)

Did they (crew members from different pod) somehow contact other peoples, or start live on their own?

Very good questions!

In fact, not all of the pods survived, but the original ship had thousands of colonists so enough survived to keep things going.

While many of the pods landed in and around the dungeon, others may not have. What happened to them?


3smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Mar 6, 2015, 9:35:07 AM
Talking about pods, check out the latest focus video:

In this new episode, Slowhands shares some insight about the spaceships.

If you have a hard time to complete one of the harder modes, you probably don't want to miss this one (there are some cool tips to help you improve your game) smiley: wink

Over and out

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