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No badge for EL Emperor Edition Deepfreez DLC?

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 5:55:05 PM


I just purchased the Amplitude Endless Pack, but while the other badges for DLC where properly detected, the Deep Freeze, that is rewareded through Emperor Edition of Endless Legend, was not. My question is - will it be added later, or it's not detected at all, because of the way it's added? Of course, I'm talking about badges on forums here.

While I know it's nothing big, but... I'm just curios. :)

Thanks in advance!

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 4:40:13 PM
First post on this platform. Same deal here! Just bought the Amplitude Endless Pack and have all games and DLC (except for Endless Space) installed and is saying I don't own the Deep Freeze Add-On (despite seeing the confirm icon in-game). Steam also says I can still buy the Add-On despite already owning it from EL Emperor Edition.
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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 6:06:52 PM

Deepfreeze was distributed in a weird way. Even if you have it ingame it may not show as owned on your Steam profile or here. It's a known issue but I doubt it's enough of a priority to get fixed.

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 6:16:56 PM

You wanted to say it's low on priority list... cause I think they will fix it - probably not just now, cause ES2 and EL: Tempest.

I can wait, just wanted to know if it's common and... if there is a manual fix (some time ago Frog manually updated people badges on old G2G system, thus this topic).

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 9:24:18 AM

The new badge system is apparently fully automatic and takes the info from the Steam API.

I don't know it the Deepfreeze is on the:

  • not worth fixing or
  • fix if you have nothing else to do

priority. Just for comparison, unique faction spawn was apparently low priority and that's why it took nearly 4 years to implement...

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 10:33:24 PM

Then I am a bit of a sad panda... but oh well. Maybe they will notice this topic and at least answer when, if at all, they will fix it. :)

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8 years ago
Nov 13, 2016, 11:50:55 AM

Yes, thanks a lot. ^.^

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