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Proposal: Blocker mobs

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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 11:02:18 AM
Well, the thread title says it all.

I propose a very devious type of monster: The blocker. He gets stuck in doors, belongs to both rooms he's in between and blocks passage between those two for heroes only as long as he lives.

That's the monsters' retaliation for trapped doors and would add a definite need to power and defend the whole corridor to the crystal, unless you want to risk being blocked off, effectively, shortly before reaching the exit.

During the normal exploration of the dungeon, this kind of mob would punish a player for penetrating too deeply into hostile territory with fast speed heroes and no substantial defenses, otherwise.

Maybe it's too evil for the first few levels, but it would be evil enough for the later levels. 3smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 9:32:43 PM
Well i certainly like the idea for levels past the first stage - bit too evil on the first level and would likely cause too many early deaths smiley: biggrin. Even if its not a universal mob for levels past the first stage, but for a particular floor design set.
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