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Several Suggestions

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11 years ago
Dec 31, 2013, 11:31:57 PM
I've been playing the game a good bit and am really enjoying where it's going, the game has a lot of potential. I picked myself up the founders pack and even bought a copy for a friend. As I've played, I've thought of a lot of things I think would really benefit the game. Some of them would require a fair bit of code, but would add a lot of depth. I've tried to read some of the documentation available to avoid repeating too many suggestions, but some I've deliberately left, as I think they would add a lot.


Wave cleared notification - Notify the player when a wave is cleared. Can been gleened from health regeneration after a clear already, but an actualy "all clear" would be better. Maybe something subtle like having the dust gauge background turn red when enemies are present and turn back to grey when cleared.

Enemy Index/bios: List of enemy types and a bio page for each one.


Home room - Ability to set a "home" room for a hero. This would cause them to automatically return to that room after a wave of enemies is cleared.

Hero AI priority - Would be beneficial to have the ability to set priorities for heroes, such as "keep modules repaired". This would allow you to make a hero repair modules as they are damaged during combat, and return to combat once they're repaired. Currently it is too easy to lose a module, even if heroes are present. This could go much deeper once skills are introduced. Other possibilities would be "follow enemies headed to crystal" (self explanatory, but would work along with the home room), "heal other heroes", "concentrate on smaller enemies", "concentrate on larger enemies". I know this one was suggested before and is marked as a maybe, but I've left it here as it seems important.

Endless Dungeons - Already suggested, but an endless dungeon mode, along with the meta-game, adds a lot of replay value. Once someone is good enough at the game and can consistently beat it, an endless dungeon gives them a reason to keep playing.

Between floor mini-game - Would be fun to have some type of mini-game between floors. Something simple, like a quick-time event to chop a monster with one of the sword wielding heros, or click sequence to "shoot" enemies with one of the machine gun heros. Could be used to present story or lore. Could award later-mentioned single-use items, as not to break balance but give an advantage, especially in endless dungeons.


Single-use items - All items are currently permanent equipment. One use items, such a bombs to do damage to all enemies in a room, instant free heals etc. would add more option from merchants and more opportunities for pick ups.

Crafting - Has been suggested, just throwing out some of my ideas. A crafting system could be added for items. Possibly allow unused equipment to be broken down at the crystal for parts or dust. If parts are added, that allows more game play depth and another tactical aspect for resource management. Could possibly sacrifice items for Industry or Science.

Pets - Additional equipment slot of pets. Could be things like repair drones that repair modules as the hero fights, healing drones that heal the hero as they fight, pets that attack additional

targets for the hero. Could go deeper and allow the pet to be controlled autonomously and give view into rooms like posting a hero.


Overload/overpower room - Ability to spend more dust on a single room and increase the stats of modules and towers in that room. Could possibly be a hero skill.

Upgradeable towers - Pretty straight forward. Give towers levels that they can be upgraded through that increase their stats. Multiple upgrade paths for individual towers would be even better

(Attack tower: Choose extra damage or Less damage + minus slow or burn).

Mounted gun - One or more tower type(s) built on a module node. Automated or requires a hero to man it. Would provide a big attack bonus, bigger with hero manning it. Possibly require a skill to

man it. Would create the decision of using nodes for defense vs economy.
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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 8:52:02 AM
there are some pretty crazy Ideas here, I especially like the Idea of having pets. Also the endless Dungeon mode is a great Idea. I think this List should totally at least partially become part of the game!
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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 10:37:13 AM
Hi Graves, thanks for these suggestions!

Some remarks:

  • You already have a "wave cleared” notification: the circle in the bottom right corner glows in red during events and stops when waves are cleared. We will also add a sound...
  • We planned on adding a Dungeonpedia for the mobs (see /#/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/47-game-design/thread/17839-g2g-amplitude-s-list-of-community-feedback)
  • We think about giving more options for the heroes AI, some good ideas here. We really want to keep it simple!
  • The mini-game, crafting and pets are interesting but important features to develop and we have to make choices smiley: wink
  • You will be able to improve your modules with Science
  • I like the idea of mounted gun smiley: biggrin

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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 12:05:12 PM
I particularly like the home-room idea.

There's a lot of repetetive "go to chokepoint-room" - "go back to the food module" - "go to chokepoint-room" and so on.

It actually wouldn't even require adding a new order. The monsters-active/no monsters active actually could be used to determine it.

The heros could just remember their last order before enemies spawned and execute those again after all of them have vanished.

This would autmatically cause the door-opener go to the newest room again and the others to go back to wherever they've been at work before.
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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 8:35:42 PM
Another idea for the mounted gun: Perhaps it could be like a hero ability or an item you could buy, that you could set up in un-powered rooms or maybe your crystal room. That's one thing that bothers me in the later levels: when it comes down to fighting in your crystal room, you can only rely on your heroes, and if there are too many waves incoming or your heroes are underleveled, the mobs will punish the crap outta your crystal because the heroes attack too slow or prioritize the wrong enemies.
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11 years ago
Jan 3, 2014, 8:57:09 AM
The "Home" concept was one I'd initially thought of as being very useful when trying to organise defense, but I thought there'd be major difficulty trying to keep track of what heroes had what room as their home location, particularly if you want to change it on the fly. At the moment you can double quick a hero portrait to go to that hero, so you can always find them. But trying to indicate where the home room of a hero is could be tricky. I think there is talk of a tactical mini map and perhaps the home room could be illustrated on that for the current hero?

You could simplify it to a rally point for all heroes, but I'm not sure this would be beneficial in the same way as having a location that a hero should always make their way back to.

I could see the home location of the "door opener" being used a lot. Other heroes, could be sent to defensive locations for the combat, and then before the door opener opens the next door, be sent home to man any module rooms necessary to get the resource bonuses. We'd have to be careful if we set heroes in defensive positions to not inadvertantly shift them to their home locations leaving a room/path undefended.
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11 years ago
Jan 3, 2014, 1:41:14 PM
To the Hero AI priority : you can keep it single. Every hero could be set to 3 modes - offensive, defensive and repair, where offensive would mean he would be in first line, trying to "tank" damage, defensive striking from behind (I struggle with this a lot tbh).

Also I would love to be able to switch slots my heros are in. I can get used to the layout of them, once in a game, eventhough I would prefer the option to choose (having your "scout" on 1 at all times would be great for me for example), but then, one of my crewmembers die, it all changes, and then, in the heat of battle I click wrong heroes and mess everything up.
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11 years ago
Jan 3, 2014, 2:24:05 PM
Yes, I can see the point of home room to avoid repetitive tasks, but as spelk said, there are some potential problems with an automatic attribution of this room...

How to differentiate the "action position" (during waves but not always) and the "door opening position"?


I like this 3 simple modes smiley: smile Maybe the "repair" can be more generic (operating, analyzing ruins...)

The "switch heroes slots" feature is planned after being suggested by the community: /#/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/47-game-design/thread/17839-g2g-amplitude-s-list-of-community-feedback smiley: smile
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