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Co-op suggestion

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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 1:21:48 AM
I thin I remember reading that co-op was a feature that is on the list of things to add into the game and I was just thinking on how that could work because 4 people trying to build modules and defenses and trying to explore could get very disorganized quickly. But maybe it could be something like different game modes.

One could be something where players rotate control of rooms for example, player 1 can build in room 1, then another room opens up and player 2 can build in there, then player 3 in room 3 and 4 in room 4. Then player 1 would get building rights in room 5 and so on. And the total amount of resources gained could get even divided among the players and each player has their own resource pool. And if a player is boosting production on a module then only that player could receive the extra resources.

Or an alternate game mode thats almost like a super dungeon where each player starts with a decent amount of resources and all modules are already built. there is no construction and the goal is just to see how deep the group can get. or maybe they can build defenses but no modules. then all they have to do is decide which rooms to power.

The only possible problem I could foresee is the group deciding which rooms to power.

But yeah just some thoughts I had.
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 11:41:58 PM
I expect the group to be cooperative with one another and not competitive for resources, this could be solved by sharing resources or actually having to work together for success. It could be as simple as agree button to open the next door, powering which rooms; or the system could just rely on well, the players actually cooperating and communicating with each other.
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11 years ago
Dec 22, 2013, 9:06:53 PM
oh yeah for sure, I love the voting idea for doors, and the only reason I'm not to keen on pooling resources is because i could see someone being ridiculously selfish and using all the wheat/food leveling up their character and ignoring the fact that others need it. But i agree i wouldn't want to see players competing for resources either
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11 years ago
Jan 5, 2014, 2:29:38 AM
i think that the co-op mode can be either really good or really bad.

maybe the idea it's to decide a role for each player playing (best it's 2 i guess) they can control 1 hero each (2 after they have recruit more).

one player will have to build stuff (builder) when the other one will have to focus on the defense and exploration (security).

the builder will have control of the module construction while the security will have control of the defense construction. the ressource are divided equaly between them. they need to work together for advance. like this the smiley: food and smiley: industry will be shared, up to them to decide to decide how use it.

some example for make it clear:

let's say they begin both with the same amount of ressources, each turn they will get each half of the ressource. they can use them how they want in them role. they can too give some to the other for help.

for the smiley: science they need to choice together what they will use it for. by a system of vote.

i guess it's the best way...sorry if it's not clear ^^ (i'm french after all)
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11 years ago
Jan 5, 2014, 11:42:58 AM
Coop could either be collegial decision (instant vote) for door opening and power distribution, there could be a "game master" that would deal with module/defense construction with a vocal chat for decision making if the game mode is close to single player.

Then it could be another type of dungeon, where everything ressource is gain by loot (so only defense, power distribution and door opening would need to be concerted), and shared (I do find it better to have my heroes at relatively same level as the begining is not too hard but a level 1 later on while other heroes are level 5 generally dies quickly).

I do hope they make focused coop testing week-end to have a chance for full team on alpha/beta
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