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Suggestion: Additional Room Types

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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 6:15:29 PM
Interesting Additional Room types that would help to give additional variation to the level structure:

1. Challenge Room: A room that holds a single boss like creature that does not wander from its room. Upon death it drops a chest. (Monster could have a rating? stars? Something to indicate its potential strength. Which could cause players to deviate from their current path, Level their characters us before coming back to fight it).

2. Socket Room: A room that would allow the player to shift the Crystal to another area of the floor. Would make floors with a huge number of rooms potentially more manageable?

3. Wishing Well Room: Drop in X number of Dust (this number increases for after each attempt), could return an item | blueprint | or other resource

4. Passive Bonus Room: Simply being in the Room grants additional temporary stats (Similarly to the minor buildings already in the game).

5. DoT Room: Moving through the room causes hero's to take Damage Over Time.

6. X Resource Room: This room grants an additional bonus to X Resource if that Major Node is built there.
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11 years ago
Dec 15, 2013, 6:39:40 AM
Actually, I find these to be pretty interesting. They'd certainly add a few more questions as to how one should distribute their resources, with "Wishing Well" being one of my favorites. Well conceived!
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11 years ago
Dec 15, 2013, 2:48:46 PM
These are all really good suggestions! Generally speaking the level design is quite basic for the moment.

I also think there should be more diversity from one level to another.

the mobs are always the same as well, from room to room and from level to level. there are different species/races that pop-up together at random.

maybe their could be more "themed" levels (and/or rooms) where you would see a majority of one kind of mob or another... I liked that final scene in the presentation video where you see two hunters having dinner around a camp site. it gives more coherence and depths to the level design.
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11 years ago
Dec 15, 2013, 3:08:01 PM
I love the "Challenge Room" idea !

But in the "The Art of Dungeon of the Endless" post you can see this look like a boss fight no ? smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Dec 15, 2013, 3:51:50 PM
I like all these room type suggestions, the wishing well being like a gambling merchant. I suspected big scary boss like monsters were already planned but its one of the things i feel is missing right now.
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11 years ago
Dec 15, 2013, 7:00:47 PM
I know that Endless ruins were/are planned, maybe those would also fit the role of the bonus rooms you were talking about. For my part, how about rooms with small generators, that don't need to be powered by the crystal, but with some drawback, like the noise attracting more mobs, perhaps.
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 4:06:54 AM
Something that might be neat when we get into thematic floors (ie. aquatic, volcanic, etc.) is some kind of interaction effect with the environment of the rooms. For instance, what if powering a flooded room zapped all the things in it (dunno if that's how Dust powering works but maybe?) Or maybe you could cause lava to erupt or something. Think these would be cool to see.
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 6:54:02 PM
I don't know if i got distracted from posting something similar to what I'm going to say now the other day. Its the idea of a "puzzle" room which has a locked door or "thing" that can only be opened if a requirement is met, which would be the "puzzle piece"; it could actually be a puzzle or repairing things within the room, research etc. to obtain a reward which could be opening a door to a treasure room, - unlocks the room connected to the puzzle room, which could contain Endless artifact or what not - a reward in the room - item chest raising from floor etc. - or a route through the room - broken bridge, got to fix it sort of idea through industry or maybe holding the hero within the room for a turn or so to work a major module. Just a thought.
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11 years ago
Dec 18, 2013, 7:08:45 PM
I really like the ideas of the Wishing well, the Passive Bonus and the Puzzle rooms, they seem really cool.

I have an idea that could be interesting: what about some kind of "Forge" room where you could create certain items in exchange of certain quantity of resources, but that when it starts the process it makes so much noise that you had to defend the forge for a number of turns (determined by the item you're creating) without it being destroyed or turned off? This way you could invest an excess of Industry, Food or Dust in something useful, despite risking loosing your investment if you don't defend it properly.
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11 years ago
Dec 19, 2013, 3:40:10 AM
smiley: approval all of these ideas. I especially like the Endless Artifact from a puzzle room or a boss and environmental rooms, and the forge, those sound really cool. I hope the bosses will already be implemented this way, seeing that they appear to be planned, and the different environments would calm the diversity beast in me smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jan 10, 2014, 1:08:00 AM
Bump for nr 2 the socket room

Would love to be able to change location of my crystal when dungeons start getting bigger
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