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Closing/sealing rooms

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11 years ago
Jan 9, 2014, 8:51:02 PM
Id like an option to


Hero skill


Rooms/doors so you can close/block them preventing monsters coming from that side

Also monsters that can remove the blockade open the doors again etc

If for example you can always close doors or close off rooms but after lvl 5 it gets harder and there are monsters that can open doors or move through closed doors (slime ghost whatever)
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11 years ago
Jan 10, 2014, 11:40:47 AM
I suppose blocking a door with something that will degrade over time (via monster attacks) is an interesting idea, but doesn't being able to seal off a door you've previously opened start to make opening doors a less crucial decision, and less important in the scheme of attempting to forge a defensible path through the dungeon? If you can open, try out, and then seal off doors - you'd then be able to correct door opening "mistakes".
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11 years ago
Jan 10, 2014, 12:14:08 PM
An alternative would be a forcefield module that could be build in large build slots but that requires a hero actively controlling it. That way you would have to weight sealing off a door against building something else and using the hero elsewhere. It also would mean that when you move the crystal, all blocked passages open up again.

Personaly I'd enjoy direction based forcefields: build as a large module in a room, the player would have to set which direction the forcefield is projected in, sealing off only one door per room, but allowing monsters access through other doorways, from which they could break the forcefield generator. But it would get too complicated.
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