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Level Builder/Scenario Editor

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11 years ago
Jan 8, 2014, 8:49:12 PM
Okay, first of all I have no idea if this was mentioned anywhere else but I've searched and found nothing. If it was mentioned somewhere then I would ask to forget about this.

So, I was thinking. The game is pretty simple in its design. You have a set of rooms connected with a number of doors. Each room is pretty much the same art style and it is impossible to not have certain room designs repeat themselves. That brings me to the conclusion that it wouldn't really be extremely hard to make a... level builder! As if the title didn't spoil it...

Anyway. The idea is: have a in-game mode or even a seperate application to build levels for the game. The player would be able to make a dungeon of his own imagination, place the rooms he wants in the order he wants, merchants etc. The second part of the idea would be a scenario editor. Scripting events, perhaps even making cutscenes.

Now, why something like that? Ain't nobody got time for that. Glad you asked, Jimmy. Having custom scenarios and a level/scenario builder would make the game even more absorbing for the players, that's obvious. But what I would be counting on myself is to perhaps give the community the ability to make machinima of sorts, tell a story or challenge their friends to beat the kickass dungeon they have created.

And I know, the devs are busy. I respect that but I'm just throwing this idea at them and see if it sticks. I personally think this kind of a feature is interesting to consider.

You can throw eggs at me now.
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11 years ago
Jan 8, 2014, 9:48:34 PM
Actually, I think this is kind of cool. Some people were talking about a "Dungeon Master" element in the multiplayer topic, and this seems like a perfect way to do that. I don't know about cutscenes ("player-made" events maybe?) and things, but to see the rooms sort of organized in some kind of fashion might add a kind of flavour you wouldn't get with an RNG. Also, presumably the game is set in the ruins of some Endless "base" you're trying to get out of. Usually structures are made according to some kind of purpose, my guess is that the Endless wouldn't just create rooms and things for no reason, so with this option you'd get the feel of a well-laid out base.

Provided the game is deep enough, I think there's an incredible amount of latent creativity that could be unleashed by the players in this, which Kreeth has already hinted at. Definite +1 in my opinion. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 9, 2014, 12:12:27 AM
If DotE becomes as moddable as ES, this should be very possible. I love the idea and hope it can eventually take effect smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Jan 12, 2014, 10:12:53 AM
Its a great idea if theres a lvl editor id like them to add something though

Random room/exit

You can edit/layout the whole thing but have an option to make some stuff random of it

This gives the map soemone creates replayability like for example the exit can be in different places

So even if someone played your map before the exit could shift between places so you cant do the map out of your head

Also multifloor creation

Create your own multiple floors like lvls

Multi exits 2 exits depending on what on you use you go to a different new map

This way we could make 10 maps or 20 our veary own lvls that players could try
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11 years ago
Jan 18, 2014, 3:37:10 PM
I think this'd be particularly interesting once we start seeing how decisions in one layer of the dungeon impact what happens on later levels (if such mechanics are actually developed).
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