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Let the guns loose

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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 1:51:05 PM
Just an idea here..

Let chars with guns have range that also stretches into other rooms.. this would ofc require some nerfing on the damage, but would make it more interesting to choose between:

Scoped rifle(high damage, slow ROF, long range) stretch what equals 2 square rooms + the one you are in

Assault rifle (medium damage, medium ROF, medium range) stretch what equals 1 square rooms + the one you are in

Gun/Shotty/flamethrower (mixed damage, mixed ROF, short range)

all of the stats could be mixed or randomized within some set rules but you get the idea..

It just annoyed me a lot to have a char with a gun, standing still, looking at an enemy beating on my whatever just a few pixel away, just because it was in "another room".

Blades could expand into other weapons aswell:

Mace to give stun damage or something like that

Spear to keep the enemy at a distance.

Love the game.. i see so much potential, and its already tons of fun
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 6:42:28 PM
Nice to see you've thought it through, good suggestions here smiley: approval but I doubt these will really be compatible with the game vision. Just a hunch.
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 9:12:42 PM
yeah i understand its designed like this...

but the current rigid square design prevents the battles from having a nice and beautiful flow, it would be nice if the chars defended inwards toward the crystal room/power, and had some reach. The suggestion was an easy way to get around this without to much trouble, and could save some very annoying situations that arise in some instances.

The way it is now, they follow the enemy to the door and then run back to the middle of the room, and if the adjacent room is small its almost impossible to target the enemy there.. Your hero might only get one or two hits and then there is a short distance where the enemy is safe again.

i understand that it would require implementing line of sight etc.. but i think its worth it. it wouldn't ruin the core gameplay mechanics, and would make for some interesting choices, and maybe some changes in style from level to level. I'm also thinking about how the game will feel when you are on dungeon 10, is it still just the same rutine? i dont know how deep the devs want to go with this.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 7:58:47 PM
The only enemies that leave the room when heroes are in it are the crystal smashy guys, assuming you are fighting them in a place where you have turrets and stuff. and if it is a problem that the enemies move too fast there is always the module that lets you slow down enemies. Having to put your heroes at risk by sending them in with the monsters is where most of the challenge comes from in this game so making a way to avoid that sounds counter productive to me.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 9:04:40 PM
I both like and dislike this idea. The game is designed so you have to manage everything room-wise and keep an eye on your crystal and the monsters that rush it. It's the tower defense element you have to take into account. Although it IS annoying that your hero just cancels his last attack when the monster is close enough to the door (which shouldn't really happen if you think about it) and then you have to order them to go to the next room. Still, this is something we can live with.

But the idea opens up pretty fun possibilities. I would really like to see few weapons (or even modules) that have a multi-room range. A sniper rifle, for example. It would be logical that a hero equipped with one would be able to target a monster that's in a straight line a few rooms away. And perhaps have a skill or two that have a similar effect.

Although the concept itself might be broken so it needs restrictions. What I think is to have a really low ammount of weapons/skills/modules like that in the game. Another wise thing to have a hero be able to fire such a weapon through multiple rooms only if they are powered up or other heroes are in the "target" room.

All in all I think it might be a fun mechanic to implement.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 9:43:51 PM
An alternative would be to allow targeting of an enemy, and when a hero is in target mode he would ignore "rooms", follow and attack.

but pretty sure ranged weapons would make for deeper gameplay and possibilities
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