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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 7:38:39 PM
Melkathi replied on a topic of mine and mentioned forcefields but being to problemathic

However Id like to suggest a few uses for them

Forcefield protecting turrets with small hp/alternative to hp (monsters attack shield depletes the hp depletes)

A forcefield item gives extra defense or a shield for heroes

A forcefield module/turret

1-Blocks an entrance with a shield (the shield can be attacked so monsters will break through after a few attacks)

2-The forcefield module would be great in delaying monsters so for example

A room has 3 or 4 exits Its powered 1 way to your crystal so that way is save

However the 2 adjecent rooms are unpowered

The monsters come from 2 ways BUT since you can delay 1 wave with the shielded doorway you will have more time to kill the monsters off before the rest join them

These things could add nicely to the game in my opinion but would require to add shield bar (blue) or something next to the normal health bars
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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 8:19:13 PM
You know you have my support smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 11:41:22 AM
I'd throw in my support so long as it was once-use and non-repairable. And that it also took up a small or maybe even a large module slot, otherwise I think it might just be a bit too OP.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 1:19:08 PM
I think blocking entrances was mentioned somewhere already (and I think some sort of barricades are certainly going to be implemented at one point). But forcefields that give you some sort of a shield for a module or hero... why not. I would see this as a separate module. A damage absorbing module that powers down after the shield takes enough damage, perhaps (powers back up after the battle is finished or a hero tends to it)?

I think there already are modules responsible for increasing the defensive capabilities of other modules and heroes, so that role of a force field is pretty much useless as an add-on.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 11:35:40 PM
Forcefields would dramatically increase the effectiveness of AoE damage though since you could use them to clump larger groups of enemies together. Could also be used to section large groups in half. The value of repairing turrets would also go way up since you could hold off a wave, repair, then be full health again when the rest of the wave arrives. It wouldn't be impossible to balance but I suspect the end point of said balance would be that damage would have to be reduced to the point where forcefields would always be necessary. Otherwise when you did get them it would be too easy.
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