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Teleport Node

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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 12:34:55 AM
Since this would be a possible strategy changer, this would take the place of an industry or food node. The most effective means I can think of would be having the main node in one room as the "Send" node, and building small "Receive" modules in other rooms. This could be used both for movement and defensive capabilities. Would have to be either a rare blueprint found, or you would have to research it.

Movement for heroes would cost nothing after all mobs have been killed. During mob attacks, the main "Send" node could be used to teleport an entire room of creatures, and possibly heroes too if fighting there, to a "receive" node somewhere else. Receive modules could possibly be used in unpowered rooms, but if activated when unpowered, they would overload and be destroyed. A more effective use might be to put a "Receive" module in a room with a lot of defensive modules.

Alternatively, it could just teleport everything in the room to a random unpowered room. It would probably need some sort of cooldown, probably similar to the current cooldown on Hero skills where you have to open a certain number of doors before you can use it again.
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