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Suggestion: Combat Stats

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11 years ago
Jan 24, 2014, 4:58:50 PM
Hey there, I was playing today, and after looking at my Heroes's stats, I noticed that the stats play great roles in the game, but not during the combat. In other games that have RPG elements, stats play a great role during combat. The only stats I noticed that change combat are the Attack power, and Attack cool-down.

Maybe the speed could define if the character can dodge an incoming attack, and the wits of a character could define how likely it is for that character to be able to do a critical attack. Seeing as how this stats grow with the character, it means it will be balanced to the difficulty (Once the difficulty is stabilized) . And with this stat based combat, the player can see which hero is more likely to die during combat, or which hero is more convenient to keep alive.

The stats would also play a bigger role with items, if a Hero has low attack power, but has a high speed, then the player can give that Hero an item that increases attack power, that way said Hero can be more balanced for combat. This would allow players to decided which Hero deserves what kind of item, it would allow players to see what drawback an items does, what positives it adds, and this means that merchants may have a bigger role, because maybe one merchant has an item that is just too good to pass up, but you don't have the Dust for it, would you sell items for that special item? Or will you be willing to lose some powered rooms for that new special item?

And finally, this combat change would allow players to have a sort of a connection to their Hero. Imagine; The player trains their favorite Hero to the Max level, and they give said Hero the best of equipment possible. But suddenly that Hero dies in battle, the player would be upset, frustrated, and best of all, they would want to invest more time into the game to get that same status of power again.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 9:29:23 AM
I noticed that one of the heroes has a passive that looks like 15% dodge chance. However it didn't look like that figures in to any other heroes. Maybe speed & defense could affect doge chance?
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 9:45:16 AM
Isn't what you suggest part of the Defense stat?
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 5:42:48 PM
Well the Defense stat does play a good role in the game, but well, I feel like the combat lacks a lot of potential. I just feel like stats could play a bigger role in combat, this way that there can be more potential strategies for players depending on their Heroes's stats and skills.
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