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Points/score calculation

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11 years ago
Jan 15, 2014, 7:27:57 PM
How is it currently calculated and where do you get points for

I assume time opened doors and resources at the moment

But would monster kills heroes left heroes lvls items left and dust be added to score to?

Like if you beat lvl 1 have dust left it adds to score same for items as they get wiped from inventory when you move floors so item sell value in dust is extra points

Would like to know more about it and discuss what is currently worth points and what maybe could be added
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 10:59:24 AM

Like I said in a previous post, the randomness of a game takes too much value in the current final score, and it clearly needs to be improved.

So we are interested in your ideas smiley: smile

Currently, score = number of opened doors * 10 + number of monsters killed
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 11:56:56 AM
Add some points for time spent without pauses perhaps

Remove points if a hero dies

Remove points if your crystal gets damaged

Add a coefficient for opened doors so that the level of the door is taken into account. The danger factor is definetly higher on level 3 than on level one.

Just off the top of my head.

Mysterarts wrote:

Like I said in a previous post, the randomness of a game takes too much value in the current final score, and it clearly needs to be improved.

So we are interested in your ideas smiley: smile

Currently, score = number of opened doors * 10 + number of monsters killed
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 12:15:19 PM
I just propose, out of Sharidann's list, my own additions and your original formula:

Score = [N_doors-open*10*(1-1/(1+time_elapsed/time_nominal))+N_monsters-killed-N_heroes-dead*Hero-Level-Average-dead*100+N_heroes-survived*Hero-Level_Average_survived*25-HP_crystal-damage*5+FIDS_leftover] * highestLvlReached

The FIDS_Leftover is the sum of all resources left at the end of the game.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 12:02:07 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I just propose, out of Sharidann's list, my own additions and your original formula:

Score = [N_doors-open*10*(1-1/(1+time_elapsed/time_nominal))

Hm. Why the time factor? It would make sense if there was something to lose/gain in this game for taking your time to play, but as it stands, how quickly you move through the different doors doesn't matter.

If time plays a factor into the score, maybe instead of time played from beginning to end, time is measured by the average amount of time that passes between the end of a mob and the next door opening. I think that'd be worth scoring, since that's something the players actually control--the speed in which they make decisions between waves. Smart decisions between waves means less rebuilding of broken modules, which means less time spent repairing your infrastructure and more time opening doors. That would seem like a more accurate way to measure the performance of a player.

Alternatively, have two scores for time: times between the last wave and the next door, and the time it takes to effectively destroy that mob. Yeah, that means you're measuring the whole of the time spent playing--but the two "moments" of gameplay require different ways of thinking about the game. Some people might rush to meet the enemy, or lure them into a chokepoint, or open five or six doors in quick succession and blast through a huge number of waves--each strategy drastically changes the way a player spends their time, and tracking two different "times" might be a good way to make a more effective method of scoring.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 8:30:02 PM
I think the number of monsters should be calculated a little bit differently. I think it should be based more on monster waves than on single monsters. Some monster spawns are more difficult than others, and multiple monster spawns at the same time are more difficult than single monster spawns.

I propose that N_monsters-killed should be changed to something like N_single-wave-spawns * 10 + N_double-wave-spawns * 25 + N_triple-wave-spawns * 40 + etc..

of course these wave spawn points would only calculate once the waves are completely killed to prevent crystal run point inflation where monsters waves continually spawn.

I think having score modifiers based on options chosen at the beginning of the game would also be pretty neat and have written about it more in the post titled Modular Difficulty. An example would be choosing an option that makes enemies 20% more difficult giving a 5 - 10% bonus to your score at the end of the game.
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 1:51:36 PM
I think it would be cool to factor in economy into the final score. I.e. total resources gathered. This might make for a cool strategy involving maximizing your wit characters on certain modules in conjunction with gear to optimize your industry/food output.

It might also be cool to see end of the level score incentives and bonuses given for things like:

zero crystal damage (encourage flawless runs) [ordustgathered/remaining]

no character deaths " " "

modules built / modules remaining

I personally think time shouldn't have any factor in score - except perhaps how fast the waves are cleared (as mentioned above). Part of the large appeal of the game for me is the chess-like strategy in pausing combat and planning everything out, executing it, adapting and watching it play out. I feel like having score tied with time would lead to many players restarting the game until they get an ideal party, rushing for a larger speed party and having it all down to a RTS-like micromanagement game of who can click and resource better with too much luck involved.

The score should be tied with skill, and not have any luck or time mechanics involved. IMO.
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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 2:12:55 AM
Time between doors is a function of how quickly a wave or set of waves can be cleared which is a function of how well resources are distributed and strategically the doors are opened. I think it's a very good idea to have time be a factor in score. That said I don't think time spent paused should be counted against you. Maybe even have the time used be the average mobs lifespan so it's really a function of efficiency and not simply getting a good layout with fast heroes that can run to the next door quickly.
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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 11:16:52 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

Like I said in a previous post, the randomness of a game takes too much value in the current final score, and it clearly needs to be improved.

So we are interested in your ideas smiley: smile

Currently, score = number of opened doors * 10 + number of monsters killed

If you wanted to take a more story based approach, what matters is the Crew and the Crystal, so score should tie into those.

The Crystal plays a very small part during the actual exploration phase. The final run is excellent fun, but have you considered allowing the Crystal to moved during exploration to put more in harms way and in that case giving it more life? That's a pretty fundamental part of the game and I don't know if it's a good idea, but maybe it's something that could be tested.

It would then make sense to tie score into Crew health/level/gear and Crystal health, maybe even Merchants survival (although the number of those are random too).
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11 years ago
Jan 28, 2014, 12:11:53 AM
lolholm wrote:
If you wanted to take a more story based approach, what matters is the Crew and the Crystal, so score should tie into those.

The Crystal plays a very small part during the actual exploration phase. The final run is excellent fun, but have you considered allowing the Crystal to moved during exploration to put more in harms way and in that case giving it more life? That's a pretty fundamental part of the game and I don't know if it's a good idea, but maybe it's something that could be tested.

It would then make sense to tie score into Crew health/level/gear and Crystal health, maybe even Merchants survival (although the number of those are random too).

Interesting thought: In later levels, maybe have it so there are multiple "docs" for the crystal, so moving it/the hub of your operations becomes central to your strategy later in the game. It makes that moment of moving the crystal more dynamic/frightening.
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