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Device: Scanner

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11 years ago
Jan 28, 2014, 2:18:43 PM
A device that allows you to scan an adjacent room, without entering into it.

By simply equipping it to a hero, it gives him wit and an active ability -scan.

By clicking the active ability a new mouse cursor appears, with whom you can target a closed door.

That action will not open the door but will only reveal:

basic/no upgrade: the shape of the room and its doors. 16 doors cooldown

first upgrade: all above + resources (FIDS), chests, ... . 18 doors cooldown

second upgrade: all above + presence of all module slots, merchants and/or heroes. 20 doors cooldown

further upgrades: reducing its cooldown by 1 door, for each further upgrade

The idea of this device is, that every once in awhile - since it has a long cooldown - you have the option to safely bypass the danger of opening a room directly and to see if the room

is worth opening or not. Since this is a huge advantage it must have a long cooldown, so that the player can't use it on every door which would break the game, but use it wisely.

The item has multiple upgrade phases. That is because it would be too powerful if it would reveal everything at once. But behind it sits the risk/reward idea. For example:

A player uses his non-upgraded device fairly early and near his starting position. He discovers that the room is a dead end.

So why would he open it? He sees that the place would be an excellent position for a new module. But does it have one?

The example nicely shows that you can still miss out on things, with a non-upgraded device. But if you risk spending some research into it, you won't miss a thing next time.

In other words, you can use the device with its lower cooldown for scanning your possible expansion path. If you however want to use it as a means to locate modules,

then you have to pay the price of its cooldown and invest some research, since it became more powerful. Sounds logical that you use up more juice if you scan for more things.

Also to mention is that the device has its own internal cooldown, so that you can't cheat it by re-equipping it to another hero and use it again before the cooldown expires.

Flavor text: ...Unfortunately, however powerful it may be, it shares the same curse like every other portable device. Bad batteries.
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11 years ago
Jan 28, 2014, 6:48:29 PM
However! If there are no plans for making items upgradable. Then it can reveal everything with a 20 doors cooldown. That would suffice i guess.
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