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New NPC idea

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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 5:38:17 PM
I think it is good to have more random NPC. What do you think?

For example:

1) Greedy Yoda - he can level up heroes for dust.

2) Slave-Trader - he can buy heroes for dust (nice alternative for sacrificing).

3) Engineer - he can power-up any room once for increased price (for example 20 dust).
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 5:49:15 AM
5 -Functioning Security Bot (FSB): A bot that may spawn in a large room, programmed to protect it's owner at all costs. The player can use a Hero with high enough Wit to reprogram this Bot to act out as Sentry Turret that follows that one Hero only.
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 9:02:28 PM
6 - Thief: Former convict that steals industry or food if you give him the chance. Possibly runs off with it to said industry/food can be reclaimed.
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11 years ago
Feb 4, 2014, 9:37:32 AM
7- Scavenger: A former convict that has scavenged industry and will use it if threatened.

8- Former Guard: A former Guard who is injured, if the player helps this guard by giving it food to heal up, the player will receive Dust.

9- Shape Shiftier: A strange creature that inhabits the planet, it will take on the shape of a potential Hero and deceive the player, if Hero comes close enough to it, the Shape Shiftier will attack with a paralyzing bite, forcing the player to send out more Heroes to help out the battle.
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11 years ago
Feb 4, 2014, 10:36:43 AM
10) Aggressive Alien Life Form (Alien Plants) - they like to eat heroes! Player must clean up room (by eliminating Plants in combat) to get opportunity to power-up this room. Reward: Food + small chance of dropping item.
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11 years ago
Feb 5, 2014, 12:58:20 AM
11- Map Maker: An opportunist, a shady figure that will be able to point you towards an interesting Room in the Dungeon, that is, if you have the Dust to pay for it. That said room can contain either a new Blueprint, Item, Hero, or a Boss to fight.

12- Engineer: A smart fellow who isolates him/herself in a room which he/she was capable of powering up with a Power Unit. He/She enjoys new technology, so maybe if you bring Him/Her enough Industry, He/She may give you a new and rare Blueprint.

13- Dungeon Inhabit: An Alien character that inhabits the Dungeon, obtaining Food from wherever possible. With such a small stature, this creates are able to run faster than most Heroes. With his great speed, this small creature is able to come into any room, knock over a Hero, take some of the Hero's Food, and run away for cover.
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