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Beat 0.1.21; Some Suggestions

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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 3:32:24 PM
Hello everyone, I just completed my first full run of the Dungeon for the newest build. I have to say, it feels like such an achievement. It is amazing to beat the game these days and already this game is shaping up to be one of my favorite games of all time.

That being said I do have some suggestions.

First and the most important: PLEASE allow us to zoom out of the map or something. Strategy isn't as fluid if I have to constantly flick the map to look at other heroes and their situation.

Minor suggestions:

1. Deleting buildings: They should refund % of industry used. This percentage goes down as you open more doors and once you find the exit no more industry is able to be refunded. This would be helpful if say you build into one direction and suddenly it dead ends leaving you kind of screwed.

2. Final level and Dust: The final level is basically "Hope your heroes are strong enough or you have enough industry" well only one of those tactics is viable if you don't have the dust to support tower defense. I feel like if the final level is going to be that way some dust from the previous level needs to carry over. This way you can't be destroyed right away if you don't have the dust to power the rooms you need.

Other than that, I'm loving the game and the overall challenge it's offering right now. Except 5+ waves. Damn do I hate 5+ waves.
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 4:41:24 PM
I do personally like your idea of a refund when destroying a Module or Generator. But well I think that it could only happen if you have a character with a passive skill for it. Because imagine Gork the Butcher destroying a turret, he wouldn't just blast the darn thing, just to get some pieces of Industry back, no he would do it, and move on. Now, if Max O'kane, a man with high enough Wits did it, it would make sense for him to be able to not destroy the turret, but instead disassemble it to obtain Industry back.

And well about the final level, I am pretty sure the game will have an end, but right now, the difficulty has been fixed so it can be enjoyable for everyone in it's limited number of levels. But personally I never minded, I managed to beat the game a few times, and each time I made it to the final level I had enough Industry to build modules to survive. And well, I didn't really needed food as much to level up anymore because at that point, my Heroes are already maxed out, so the only use for food is for healing purposes. So basically I suppose it's just bad luck maybe. Now about the Dust, I have noticed that it is much harder to obtain, but if you have the right passive skills, you would be fine, Max O'kane has a passive skills for obtaining more Dust when he opens a door, and Golgy, well let's just say her description of being a thief is well portrayed with her abilities. Another thing I noticed is that you want the ability to zoom into the map, well the Dev team hasn't said that will be in the game, or it's final release, but they have mentioned a Tactical map, which I think is personally better.
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