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GameDesign : Feedback on dungeon design

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 11:18:55 AM
I noticed a "flaw" in the dungeon design. Or at least something that could be improved in order to add more depth to the game.

Here is what happens in most of my games :

Step 1 : I open a single door from the crystal room and go straight ahead until I feel I have enough major node to fit my resources needs. (3 to 4)

Step 2 : I fortify the last powered node like crazy, as it will be the only entrance to my zone.

Step 3 :

a) Send a single guy open the doors anywhere in the dungeon as long as it doesn't make a new entrance in my "base".

b) Once the door is opened, all the team goes to the defense-node / base entrance to fight monsters.

c) Once the fight is over, every one goes back to his room and let's go to step 3a again

Step 4 : All the rooms are now opened, and exit found. Go to the exit.

My point is that the step 3 is repetitive and could easily be improved by changing the design of the dungeon. Having a single defense node lowers the need in micro-management during fights. Moreover, having to open a door right into your base can bring interesting choices as well.

The number of entrances needed could be improved by adding more "dead-ends" path in the dungeon. (i.e. a series of 4 rooms with only two doors, leading to a dead-end).

TLsmiley: biggrinR;

Moar rooms with two doors, less with with 3-4 doors in order to add choices !

PS: I will make a schema to illustrate my point soon or later, thank your for reading !
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 11:28:32 AM
I seem to never get dungeons where I can defend in one spot. Rooms in my dungeons usually have so many doors, I get attacked from three directions.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 2:33:53 AM
Personally, when I start the game, I power the first room, put a Generator, surround it with 2 Attack Modules, leave a Hero that can control the Generator behind, the other hero goes out as a scout and opens the doors, collects the Dust, and obtains the supplies. If the scout is overwhelmed, the Hero returns to the safe room. I usually do this tactic a lot in the first level. On later levels, I kinda increase the number of Generators and save up my Dust for new and better Equipment.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 8:10:59 AM
melkathi wrote:
I seem to never get dungeons where I can defend in one spot. Rooms in my dungeons usually have so many doors, I get attacked from three directions.

On lower levels you have to make sure you have set up a linear path to your defense point. For example, if a room has multiple doors and the somehow loop around, you scout ahead and explore but leave only one exit from this room open. That makes the mobs detour (it makes the game a bit slower but easier). That way you end up with up to three defense points (I like to call them the "choke points"). This strat works for me. I'm a careful guy.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 9:15:23 AM
Same thing I do, Kreeth. But as you pointed out, you end up with three points, not one. What some people keep describing is dungeons where rooms miraculously seem to always be in a single straight line, allowing them to defend in one single room with Gork and minor modules :P
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 9:42:57 AM
Well, it's still a kind-of-a-straight-line until you decide to explore the other doors leading out of the crystal room. And by then you have enough resources, items and hero levels you can deal with probably anything.

And with three defense points you just put your one of your heroes in each room and you're all set up for an easy time. I also find it that waves tend to spawn mostly in the cluster of rooms that's unpowered and is the longest. And they tend to spawn mostly on one side of the dungeon (something like 1 wave north, 4 waves west).
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