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Shelter Mode

No, not even if possible!
Nah, sounds lame!
Yes, if possible!
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 12:15:58 AM
So after playing the actual Version (07.02.2014), my short feedback: LOVE IT! Especially the new Monsters and the Lab-Dungeon. Eager to see more. Only point of critique: I barrely use the skills because they are either not necessary or it is allready way to late when I get to activate them...

Well, I had an idea for an additional Game-Mode which I would like to share. I hope you like it and I'm eager to hear feedback - or if it is even possible to implement it or not.

The SHELTER-MODE is inspired by classic Zombie-Movies and does not change too much (I hope) about the game-mechanic.

There can be TWO variants of it:

1. The Dungeon stays the same, except that you can find (more) other heroes and they automatically run back to the Dust-Core (Shelter/Main-Room). Same applies to Merchants or other NPCs. They also automatically follow the Hero holding the Dust-Core wherever he goes, and fight back (if equipped for that) untill they reach the Exit. They than are automatically spawned in the next Level as well (at least those who survive the waves). Saved Heroes/Npcs can generate extra Bonus AND can work as Defence instead of Turrets in the Core-Room.

Optional (if possible): Additional, you can now easily switch between Characters and level more heroes up.

Optional (i.p.): Whenever a new door is unlocked, there is a small chance for a flavorevent in the shelter. For example the backroundstories of the heroes unfold and you have to choose between 3 options, what happens next. (As example take the Mercanary Women and let her argue with her Target, who is also a saved Hero in the Shelter!)

Optional (i.p.): Found Item can not only be sold to the merchants in the Core-Room, you can also equip other heroes with it or turn them to science points, tech- or foodpoints.

Optional (i.p.): Additional NPCs not as Heroes, but as helpless Crew-Members, semi-concious AI-Robots or Dungeon-Monsters, which give some kind of Bonus as long they survive. They also help to improve fluff-feeling and plot...

2. The Waypoint-Dungeon is a little diffrent from the basic dungeon. Instead of finding the exit, you try to find additional shelters, since the room your Dust-Core ist placed can only hold off a few waves, before the barriers brake and the monsters find their way in. The Leveldesign is more complex in that it is basicly linear with several branches and optional ways, disrupted by shelters. Your Heroes clear the way before the shelter, while the back is just defended by ONE activated room, with just a few options for turrets. Sooner or later, you will have to move the Dust-Core and all the saved NPCs and other Heroes as well, and establish a new saftey-parameter.

Of course, there is at last a exit, but you will have to pass several shelters, before reaching it.

Additional Ideas:

One of the main reasons for sience and looting the dungeon (motivation to open ALL doors, no matter if you've found the exit!), could be to find or develop some shipparts to rebuild some kind of escape-pod, safety-room or just to assemble some kind of device!

Yes, I know this is all still in Alpha-Phase, but who knows if it isn't interessting for after release, as DLC or as enhancement? What do you guys think?


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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 8:31:34 PM
Well I see a lot of effort put into this, and I could see it being a new game mode after the release, but at this point of development, I doubt the Devs would be too interested. Granted, I personally do like this few ideas, and they add a lot more immersion to the game, which is something I love.
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 9:44:23 AM
yeah the are busy with the development, but its a nice idea( and they can Keep it on there radar^^), specially the first one. Its like a Tower defence. i would love such a game mode lol
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 7:12:02 AM
Wouldn't mind seeing this after release, but as others said they're already busy with two new games.
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