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[Suggestion] Left click on mobs shows info

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 7:15:47 AM
I really think it would be helpful if, when left clicking a non-player mob, you could see their stats and applicable skills/default behaviors. I know the encyclopedia is still being worked on, but for now at least this seems like a glaring feature that needs implementation.

Already beat level 5 once today, and on level 4 once again. Hoping to beat it again tomorrow when I stream on Twitch!
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 7:16:32 PM
This would be a great idea in the case of having a full party (4 Heroes) and then discovering a new Hero, you are not sure whether or not this new Hero is worth the trouble of recruiting, or even keeping alive, then the player left-clicks on the character, see their stats, skills, items, weapon, and with all of that information, the player can assume whether or not it's worth taking said Hero along, and leave another Hero behind.
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 1:56:29 AM
mindthirst wrote:
I think that could actually be cool as skill. Like a scout type skill. Opinions?

Hadn't considered that, but now that you mention it that would work as a great skill for Hikensha and Skroig to have, being Necrophage and all. They would know the environs and their inhabitants, and with the increase in level cap gives them room to earn another skill. All in favor?
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