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Autopause game on critical situations.

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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 9:25:40 PM
It is relatively common when I loose my heroes simply because I missed the fact how fast hero started loosing health, even when I have loads of food to heal him. Sometimes it is just barely possible to catch proper moment in real time, so you need to keep pressing pause/unpause.

I suggest set game on pause whenever any hero comes close to death (f.e. was dropped below 10% health).

Sound notification would be nice as well, but I guess it is too late for sound and you need to have good reaction to pause before hero's death (unlike attacked crystal where loosing few seconds doesn't change much).
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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 8:55:04 AM
I lost a hero in my ongoing Let's Play because I simply didn't realize his health was dropping because I was watching another fight somewhere else.

Now it will be really tough to go on with only 3 heros.

But I really wouldn't want the game to be trivialized by auto-pausing for me.

If something like that is implemented it should not be on the higher difficulty-levels.

My opinion is: It was my mistake and thus I have to suffer from the consequences.
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11 years ago
Mar 9, 2014, 11:56:18 PM
So I think this game needs notifications, similar to the "waves" caution notification, but maybe a change in that when they engage your party. Though this doesnt avert death off screen, it also doesnt make the game overly easy by auto pausing when at low health. I don't think pauses should be anything but manual.
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