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Just a few observations from my first dozen playthroughs

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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 1:03:19 AM
I find that I hardly use any of my heroes abilities due to the fact that I have to select them and then select their ability. Add this to not being able to see all of them at the same time, or where my defenses may have let some enemies through, I think the game needs a tactical pause.

What I mean is, the ability to pause the action, and give out orders. This isn't LoL or some other Moba. You aren't playing with other people. Why not let us pause to consider our situation, and think about how to recover from it? It is already a turn based-real time hybrid after all.

Dust, I understand you don't want us to be able to light up 500 rooms upon starting a floor. However, I can't help but feel that all the effort to raise dust each floor is wasted. Here are a few ideas you could do with dust to make it more interesting:

Add more expensive upgrade items/consumables to merchants. Allow consumables to be carried to the next level. Consumables could give a one use skill on demand able to be used by anyone who needs it.

Add some sort of crafting/synthesizing system using the dust at the end of each level. Can't find equipment this run, this will let you make some, but at great cost.

Allow remaining dust to be converted into industry/science/food points at a certain cost.

Before allowing any of the end of level options you could set a threshold dust cost. I.e. you can only use dust in excess of the 24 you would start the next level with. In all cases the cost of dust conversion should be higher than actually making the stuff during a floor.

The game is in alpha I know, but it is also quite short. I see it being compared to The Binding of Isaac, however it really doesn't compare. TBoI is an action shooter, while this is a turn based strategy base builder. TBoI offers incremental unlocks requiring multiple play-throughs and no save feature. DotE however has a save feature, and doesn't press you to play many short games to unlock all features. There is no reason why the game can't be 100-150 levels long, ok maybe not that long, but still give us more meat with each play-through.

Finally, the story; as far as I can tell we crash landed on an alien world, and for some reason we are infiltrating a facility? I thought we would be looking for rescue or something. I know games like this usually aren't heavy on the plot, but what is my motivation here? At least most dungeon crawlers have goals set before you like, "The world depends on you finding the Orb of Zot" or "Your god wants you to quest to find the Amulet of Yendor." What reason do I have to go to the bottom of the facility here?

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a great start to a game. Needs much more content, but very fun even as it is. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 1:34:07 AM
Chthon wrote:
I find that I hardly use any of my heroes abilities due to the fact that I have to select them and then select their ability. Add this to not being able to see all of them at the same time, or where my defenses may have let some enemies through, I think the game needs a tactical pause.

Spacebar smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 1:43:00 PM
Don't worry, you aren't the first to miss keyboard shortcuts. Spacebar is just the important one smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 3:00:23 PM
melkathi wrote:
Don't worry, you aren't the first to miss keyboard shortcuts. Spacebar is just the important one smiley: smile

No seriously. I have been using them, 1-4 to select heroes, tab for home crystal thingy, etc. Somehow though I missed the largest button on the tutorial page. After you told me I even went back in and checked, and yep, it was right there.

I'm a dolt. That's all. I couldn't see it because it was right in front of me.
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 5:33:21 PM
Now on to the story.

The surivors are not infiltrating a facility. The escape pod crash landed deep inside the facility and they are trying to find a way out.

A very quick read on the basics about Auriga can be found here and here.

An example of what Endless Laboratories on Auriga could look like (and a hint of scale) can be seen here.
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2014, 10:15:46 PM
melkathi wrote:
Now on to the story.

The surivors are not infiltrating a facility. The escape pod crash landed deep inside the facility and they are trying to find a way out.

If you look well the introduction, you can say that some of the "survivor" are prisoner and other should be guard maybe ... That explains some skill are not very peacefull =p

When I write the things about maybe survivors can be guard (I won't mention samus here), is there a suggestion to implement a kind of complementary (or skill more effective when two specific chara are together) between chara already done ?
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11 years ago
Mar 5, 2014, 12:01:03 AM
Pallanza wrote:
some of the "survivor" are prisoner and other should be guard maybe

The "heroes" fall into three categories: Prisoners (for example Golgy and Gork), Guards (Samus, Deena?) and Locals (Skroig who won the G2G vote). Opbot is being mysterious about what category he is in, so he probably is a Prisoner. Not sure about the others.

I think I remember the devs saying that there is some plan to make the different groups have some basic differences, such as prisoners having cheaper initial lvl up costs but more expensive later levels. That doesn't seem to have been implemented though.
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11 years ago
Mar 5, 2014, 12:07:21 AM
melkathi wrote:
Now on to the story.

The surivors are not infiltrating a facility. The escape pod crash landed deep inside the facility and they are trying to find a way out.

A very quick read on the basics about Auriga can be found here and here.

An example of what Endless Laboratories on Auriga could look like (and a hint of scale) can be seen here.

My point is not that there is no story really, but that the story does not exist in the game. Most players aren't going to go to the forums to find out what's going on. From the intro, I could get the impression that this is just a futuristic version of Don't Starve.
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11 years ago
Mar 5, 2014, 1:51:52 AM
Point taken.
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11 years ago
Mar 12, 2014, 5:23:30 AM
story?well i would say crashing some where and try to find the exit is the same good like you said with "The world depends on you finding the Orb of Zot" or "Your god wants you to quest to find the Amulet of Yendor." smiley: wink
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