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Perhaps a built in editor?

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10 years ago
Mar 27, 2014, 5:44:57 PM
I am not sure if this has been suggested before and honestly i rarely look through the forums if at all. but i will try to explain as best as i can so here goes.

Based on what i have seen from the game and how it looks i don't doubt that it would benefit immensely from an in game editor. and being able to make your own "floors" or however you want to call them is great and all but why stop there when you can make a whole story?

Seeing as how the developers do indeed have a story planned for the game i have to say that being able to create your own story that can span as far as the intended story or greater would indeed make me salivate at the sheer possibilities of it all, just imagine being able to add your own story to the universe of the endless. i think a in game browser that allows you to select fan made stories you could download and install with a click of a button(if this is at all possible that is) or just perhaps some official website or a part of this site, i guess i can leave the details up to the developers and whether or not they will consider this as feasible. hopefully it's possible and if it does make it into the game. well let's just say it will only become so much greater than without it.

And that is just about it, if you have anything to add or even go so far as to provide a screenshot of a mockup of the idea would be great.
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10 years ago
Mar 27, 2014, 6:00:45 PM
Ah, i see there was another thread about the same subject in what seems to be the appropriate forum. welp that's what i get for rushing into this, with that being said nothing much i can do about it now and as i have said i only used the forums like once when i had trouble signing in.
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10 years ago
Mar 27, 2014, 7:20:50 PM
Well I could see this idea being implemented if the game was able to be modded, which I doubt will happen, but it would be amazing really.
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