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Feature idea: Voices

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10 years ago
Mar 26, 2014, 10:10:28 PM
I like the athmosphere of the game a lot already. One thing that might improve it a lot further are voices. Each hero could have a few lines, according to their character. He or she could confirm given commands, but that's probably the least useful appication. It would get really interesting if voice would replace certain graphical indicators (or enhance). For example, instead of "Found enemies, again" (or similar), the hero who opened the door could make a related comment. Depending on the type of hero, they could look forward to the fight (especially the one who prefers to fight in the dark), or they could frown over another fight. The further away they are from others, the more afraid they could be.

This could also help figure out where enemies are attacking, especially once the wave markers disappeared. If a hero can hear, but not see, nearby enemies, they can use their radio to inform the other heros, and thereby the player. Something like "I can hear them coming, from the east!" "There are too many! I need help!" "They are attacking the crystal! Someone do something!"

Heroes could also talk with each other over radio: Friendly banter, exchanging stories about their former life or commenting on how boring it is to operate this food replicator for thirty doors straight. These would be much less relevant for gameplay, but much more about the atmosphere.

A game that made use of voice to provide information to the player is/was Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels. You can get a rough idea what it sounds like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rDoADMiwK4

This was brought up here as well, but with a different focus: https://www.games2gether.com/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/46-general/thread/17106-immersive-journey-and-more-ideas

While recording voice is probably a lot of work, it might have the advantage that it is relatively easy to outsource. Have a writer work on the various lines, then get some studio to record them. Might not need much interaction with the (main) developer. I might be completely wrong about this.
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10 years ago
Mar 27, 2014, 10:29:51 AM

This idea has been suggested by the community and added to this list, but we don't plan to add voices (for technical and atmosphere reasons). However, we will add written dialogs of this type in the game!
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10 years ago
Mar 29, 2014, 4:21:36 PM
I have to agree with the devs, I like the Heroes having no voice, it leaves players with the interpretation of how a Hero would sound like, I always think of Gork as a tough guy having a young, reckless voice, but with a grunt at it, and always speaking in 3rd person. Adding a voice to him might break my idea of that and well it would just feel rather rubbish.
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10 years ago
Mar 30, 2014, 3:54:11 PM
It could have been nice to have voices for the orders or things like that (Baldur's Gate style), but well, it's not too bad to not have it. I can understand a will of retro feeling. ^^

I respect all opinions, but I don't really like the argument "let me imagine the voice of the characters" (not sure it's the devs' reason, though), 'cause in a game or a movie, there is no descriptions like in a book. Even in a book, there is not point to just let the reader imagine all the things. Descriptions are here to guide the reader. But in games, except for some very special games (like textual games), there is no such things. Besides, well, it's a video game, and it's a different media with a different language : video, sound, interactivy. Silent cinema was good, but there is no point to wish movies come back to that, except for some very particular purpose. To me, the same rule is good for games.
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