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logo amplifiers simplified

Few requests

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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 11:00:42 AM
As far there's no roadmap, and I don't know what's already in it, I'm gonna ask you about few things:

1. Zoom in/out (to avoid using for scrolling only wasd, it'll be big problem on big maps);

2. Priority for heroes to attack exact type of mobs (just tired of rebulding after big Blue Crystal Elementals encounter, but, as far as I get, we speak about some form of indirect control during battle, so it'll be not very correct to ask about just pointing at preferred target);

3. Add some defence for merchant. For 5 times I've played I had no possibility to buy something from him - usually he is not very far from Crystal (and you still don't have enough Dust to buy something), but too far for you to have possibility make his room secure. "Some defence" means that he is able to kill couple of wasps - not whole wave, of course. Or add to game specific blueprint which allows to build something like barricade or stand-alone (without power from Crystal) sentry gun only for merchant.

This soundtrack is awesome, really. Fantastic.
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 11:20:59 AM
I agree with all but number 2 because it may complicate the interface. I think mob control could be done simpler by using a similar mechanic to aggro.

If it was a melee-only ability it would also keep the monsters off the ranged characters so they could actually fire from a distance. Right now ranged characters just run right in and attack which makes them basically the same as melee. It would also stop the monsters from just walking straight past the characters while they're shooting at them.
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10 years ago
Mar 31, 2014, 2:59:09 PM
Kitel wrote:
As far there's no roadmap, and I don't know what's already in it, I'm gonna ask you about few things:

1. Zoom in/out (to avoid using for scrolling only wasd, it'll be big problem on big maps);

2. Priority for heroes to attack exact type of mobs ...

3. Add some defence for merchant. ...

#1 please please PLEASE! and allow hero commands from the max zoom-out view

#2 hmmm I'll wait for the devs to keep tweaking targeting priorities

#3 I also support some defensive capabilities for the merchants ... or at least have him drop some minor loot if killed
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10 years ago
Apr 2, 2014, 4:48:52 AM
A lot of these ideas have been mentioned many times before.

There will be no zooming in or out, instead, the developers have stated that there will be a tactical map.

The developers have stated that they will work out a better priority AI for Heroes and Hostiles.

There will be a new Module that will allow the merchant to be guided (I am not entirely sure how it works) this will allow the Merchant to be in the same room with the Heroes so there is no need for him to defend himself, also, the idea behind him not defending himself is for the player to risk their resources and Heroes to save this Merchant and his wares.
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