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Idea for Dusty hero

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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 4:14:04 PM

I'd like to suggest you my idea about introducing endless hero in DotE, like Skuoi Kyryi in ES.

Obviously, he should have dust related abilities, something like:

1.Passive ability to power any room he is in, (hello, FTL's Zoltans).

2.Passive ability to get discount at merchant.

3.Passive ability to get extra smiley: dust when opening doors, (same to O'Kane's one).

4.Passive ability to get smiley: dust income when operating a module.

3rd and 4th could force player to make decision: leave him operating or risk and send him investigating

5.Active ability to greatly increase a chance of getting smiley: dust from killed enemies in the same room with him.

6.Active ability to convert a random resource into smiley: dust

And maybe more smiley: cool

Such hero should be the very support and not-combatant: weak, slow, with low amount of HP.

And, he could use smiley: dust instead of smiley: food for leveling up and healing.

Thanks for attention, you're welcome to discuss.
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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 4:22:19 PM
I quite like this idea.

the only part i dislike is the last point. Using dust to level up or heal the hero would really be annoying and would make the game really harder.

Maybe this idea could be used to create a "hard" difficulty : Only heroes using dust. You'd have to manage dust even more than now ^^
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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 4:36:52 PM
Kuanjita wrote:
the only part i dislike is the last point. Using dust to level up or heal the hero would really be annoying and would make the game really harder.

If the hero has good advantages to counter-weight this problem it could still be a good option to run dungeons.

Although I would think that if I had a hero that needs dust to level up, i'd always wait for the end of a level to level up with the spare dust I have from unpowering rooms that are not between the core and the exit, and leveling it up would not be as much as a problem.
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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 4:44:02 PM
On last levels of Easy mode, I often heal my heroes, that's the moment it will make things a lot harder smiley: smile

But the idea still remains great
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 5:34:13 AM
I had an idle thought while playing the other day that a hero that powered up the room they were in might be a fitting addition, see as we have Hikensha who kind of mirrors that in absolute contrast... And well.. I too have a horrible FTL addiction I haven't been able to shake since it's release!

If such a character were to exist I'd like to propose the following:

*Worse in combat than DV8

*Less wit than DV8. Probably something slightly above average but not too impressive! (This is to prevent him from overlapping or making the other utility focused characters redundant)

*Possibly lacks the repair ability

*As fragile as Sara

*Slightly above average movement speed, but not particularly impressive.

For the character's active ability I'd consider something like the dust field generator's defensive buff since it would fit in both fluff and function. Cool down would be your typical every three doors and it would provide a nice defensive buff for all heros in a room and maybe double or triple for itself so it's viable to keep him in the room while party members take advantage of the aura (since the dust hero would be fragile, and usually far from combat.)

I don't think the haggling really fits the concept and with the other abilities listed it is kind of redundant!

Generating dust might be pushing it balance-wise. Leveling up and healing with dust, however, is a good way of mediating that if the numbers are tweaked correctly though that could be a theme for a another character all together! Frankly, getting that one free room powered is a -huge- boon in and of itself.

There character would give you a leg up when starting a floor, but baby sitting it while running out with the core would be challenging. If you save your cooldown for when you exit though, you could potentially have a few people set up a a choke point for the duration----at great risk to the dust character when the ability ends.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 12:10:01 PM

I'd like to suggest you my idea about introducing endless hero in DotE, like Skuoi Kyryi in ES.

Obviously, he should have dust related abilities, something like:

1.Passive ability to power any room he is in, (hello, FTL's Zoltans).

2.Passive ability to get discount at merchant.

3.Passive ability to get extra when opening doors, (same to O'Kane's one).

4.Passive ability to get income when operating a module.

Really like the idea, but to me, the character should have only the passive skill 1 and 3. The passive skill 2 is not so interesting, and if the character already has the others, he doesn’t need that.

If you give him the fourth skill, he has no need to earn dust when he open a door. It’s better for him to just power a room. And it’s, to my mind, too powerful and not so interesting.

But with only the one and the third, it’s fun, because the player would have to choose between power a room and earn more dust. So he has a choice to do for how to use the character.

I don’t really like the first active skill. It should give the player some hard choice, because the prize is high (the precious dust). For example, more dust, but only if there is not modules in the room (because Dust power machines, or something like that ^^). But it sound more like a passive skill.

One active skill could transform this weak character in a badass and powerfull warrior for a brief time, but it would cost him dust. : )

The conversion skill could be good, but it could be hard to balance. :/ But if the hero needs dust to level-up, heal, or activate skills like I said, it could work.

I hope the devs will think about it. It's a good suggestion and for now, I feel the game lack of unique characters who don't just have one personnal skill.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 12:49:18 PM

Hehe, to be honest, one of the heroes we are working on is actually in the same spirit smiley: smile

You can probably guess the faction (not an Endless) of this character...

But there are here some good ideas to improve his skills, thanks!
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 2:12:54 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

You can probably guess the faction (not an Endless) of this character...!

Broken looooord!
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 4:24:40 AM
To act as a counterweight the dust benefit, they could act as a leech on both other heroes and your resources. Maybe he drains a certain amount e.g. 1 food/production/science per hero level. Could reduce combat effectiveness of other heroes in the room with the benefit of very high dust loot.
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