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[ Ideas for completion of Too-Easy and Easy ]

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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 11:43:17 PM
I've enjoyed the latest update to the game, however I find that there is not much in the way of replay value once all Hero characters have been unlocked. The end score result is nice and all, but still not worth playing through again unless additional rewards or unlockable features are made after fighting all the way to the end. So I figured I'd share some ideas on what could be made available in to the player after they manage to finish it on either difficulty. But rather than allowing multiple stacked rewards or unlocks could mess with gameplay balance, maybe a limit to what the player can choose to enable when starting a new game would be ideal ? Probably best for Single player only. For better replay value, maybe have only one of the multiple rewards unlocked each time they finish the game on that difficulty.

For too-easy mode :

- Additional starting bonus of +10 FID's (resources)

- One of the hero's levels is automatically raised to 2 at the start.

- A special detector which randomly locates one Ruin or Trader at the start of each dungeon.

For easy mode :

- One such idea was to be able to allow an additional Hero ( 5 in total ) to be recruited, I'm not sure if there would be a performance/balance issue for doing so. But since Easy mode is a challenge to beat even if you have a lucky start. It would allow players a better chance to beat "Normal" or harder difficulties once they are added. (Probably should be moved to Normal once harder difficulties are introduced above it.)

- A 50/50 chance to potentially find two item chests rather than one in a room. (A potential side-effect or drawback to using this could be reduced rarity or item's color tier chance)

- Merchants can now defend themselves [Aportablesentry,apistol/knifeormaybethedoggyattacksanyaggressors?] (ideal for those who can't risk saving a well-stocked merchant without Hero casualties during a attack wave)

- A special inventory feature which allows one item to be carried along into the next stage. (For those who find a rare high class item but cannot equip with current Hero set)

If this is considered a good idea, I'll try and add on further suggested unlocks.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 1:48:22 PM
I like the idea of a reward based on the number of times you beat the game. Perhaps we could get "victory points" that we can spend to make variations to the next run through of a game? That way, it's not a static unlockable feature, but a choice you have available to you. I think many of the options you threw out are pretty cool, so they'd be examples of things you could buy for the next playthrough--but it'd also be cool to have really off-the-wall options that you could purchase with enough victory points (I can't think of anything right now that'd be a good example of what I'm thinking of). You could use these points to buy additional difficulties as well as additional buffs, so you could tailor future experiences to your playstyle.

And then, of course, there's always the multiplayer element. The more times you win in single player, maybe you can deck out something for your multiplayer games. Be able to send supplies, begin with more heroes, etc.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 10:05:17 PM
Not sure it's a good idea to reward the player with a more easy game, especially when you think the game lacks of replay value. ^^

(And definitively not agree with versus multiplayer bonuses, because to me the multiplayer should give the same chances for all. ^^)

But, well, except that, why not? The rewards should just be more variety.

But I think the best way for the game to have more replay value is to add some important variations from one game to another. Maybe, for those who want a more random game, add some options to randomize more things (at what floor each monster is, dust at the beginning of a floor, number of major module sockets, maybe the return of the floor without any). In that way, the game should give more surprise and variety.
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 9:17:06 PM
It's not that I want to make it a easier experience, mostly it's all randomized chance on what you get, enemies or items/ruins per room. So even the most skilled player of this can start out with a very limited chance to succeed depending on hero choice.

However if prefered, I could provide a reward for increase risk of some kind to the current list, basically a pro/con setup. For most part, I really would like a option to increase the hero cap. As the levels get longer and difficult, even a leveled up well stocked 4 hero setup will quickly fall at one fatal door choice, and more variety to manage and command who to have on-point and who to operate/protect resources.
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